Bobo Chimpan

List of shows that kills off its top-billed stars:
1) Game of Thrones
2) Uhhhhhhh…

I am way further behind on BB… those last few minutes blew my frikking mind.

It had some fun moments. I enjoyed it. The end/payoff was pretty underwhelming. The turn was too obvious coming to be as satisfying as they clearly meant it to be.

I'll get behind it, if and only if Ichabod actually launches backwards, a la Bazooka Joe

Henry realized that Moloch would betray him just as easily as he'd betrayed Abraham. He turned on the demon out of self interest and betrayal, I'm not convinced he's suddenly a good guy… at least I certainly hope it's more complicated than that…

There was one brief fraction of a moment, after Hawley saw the blood hail, when his bullshit Han Solo swagger fell away and we saw the terror it hides in his eyes… the frightened little boy cowering behind the surfer-dude bravado. For that one instant Hawley was sympathetic.

Beat me to it. Yup. The episode wasn't what it should have been, Henry's turnaround was telegraphed from miles off…

The season can be salvaged if Abbie and Ichabod get matching motorcycles and ride them everywhere for the rest of the series.

hmm… a historical weapon that requires two people…

I think that is the first and only reference to Leon

That wasn't when they were at The End, though

Expecting anyone to live up to Lester Freamon's example is entirely unfair, as much as Cool Lester Smooth may do it himself

Yeah, that's totally how I interpreted it. I didn't even realize it could be implying a time shift until other people pointed it out. I'm keeping both possibilities in mind until we get more clues…

Yeah, I took that as Noah saying the bit about the teenage son without realizing how insensitive it was… until he saw Alison and remembered, then felt sheepish.

In Noah's version of the story, there was no indication that he saw Alison before he closed the drapes. Maybe he's in denial…

I feel I must stand up for Noah's hard-on: the word she used was "Legendary" not "famous"

I'm wondering whether Whitney might be more perceptive than people give her credit for… Like the reviewer talking about Helen's judgment of Noah being entirely in Noah's head. As much as I loved that moment of her turning that back on him, including his look of stunned realization, I feel like Helen isn't entirely

The whole bit with the Vanity Fair profile was maybe my favorite thing in the series so far, especially Helen's comment about it being the happiest she'd seen Noah in 25 years…

and very very stoned
