Bobo Chimpan

We scoff, but modern supply-siders are doing the exact same thing to the economy…

Related to my favorite autoheretical sect of the Church of the SubGenius: the Corrective Phrenologers

The idea of an MIT Professor (of linguistics, perhaps?) taking on corporate criminals is delightful. How did they fuck it up?

How tall is he? Like Glen Danzig wee? His scene with Abbie he looked barely an inch or two taller than her, and she's like 5'1"! Is it the heels? Did they give her Tom Cruise's box to stand on?

So it wasn't just my (possibly libido-fueled) imagination that this ep was sexing her up more than usual?

I still haven't seen the documentary itself, but I'm in the trailer for the Mission of Burma documentary "This is not a Photograph." I vaguely recall signs at the 930 Club saying "you may be taped," but (quite apparently) that didn't stop me from making embarrassing orgasm faces during "Trem Two"

Agreed: this ep did not reveal that Fitz was crushing on Skye, it just underlined it in a way that the show hadn't before.

Long con:

I like the last scene for its confirmation of my theory that this season will be problematizing our admiration for Saul. Like Todd said, he genuinely loves Carrie, but he sees her as a tool he can use. A tool needs a handle, which in this case is just that paternal love: he offers it, he withholds it. He's doing the

You're just having too much fun imagining Abby saying "More! Faster! Harder!" to Crane, you dirty 'shipping bastard

The "gone to Kroatoa" message also featured in 100 Bullets and Grant Morrison's short-lived Klarion the Witchboy reboot



The Cheat is not a cow!

My only problem with plausibility was that Dr. Paedo kept offering. That stuff ain't free! And it's not like getting Brody hooked would be profitable, unless he thinks he can turn to El Nino to demand payment. He served the role of tempter, I get it, but I really don't see why he was so insistent, or how his own

How am I shitting on something by saying that I'm not going to bother reading it?

Best of the year? What a shame, then, that I just read Batman Year 100 and realized that Pope is a hugely overrated bore whose occasional good ideas can't overcome his boneheaded libertarianism. Pass.


Harpoon is still around. Some of their beers are available here in Chicago.

Cool story bros: I was walking down my block last week and I saw a truck with trucknuts. So I kicked them. Giving your truck nuts lets assholes like me kick your truck in the balls! How you like that!?