Bobo Chimpan

I had a housemate a few years back who was taking a film class, he'd always notice and point out the bad foley work. Now I notice it. Thanks, Brian.

That was actually my biggest problem with this ep. Others can go on about lighting or acting or casting or backstory or whatever they're complaining about. The lazy, hackneyed foley work is what really bugged me. The fact that every time any character picked up any gun, it immediately made a sound that the given model

I thought it was kind of like "Children of Men," where you have the laughably obvious and telegraphed plot revelation (she's pregnant!/Skye's pulling a double cross!) as a smokescreen for the actually surprising plot revelation (the people they're staying with are the ones who arranged the ambush!/Dr. Hall got himself

I've read the Smiley trilogy and watched the first season of The Americans. I found the spycraft elements (and the cynicism, especially the episode where they discover that their dead comrade had a wife) of that show to be much more in line with JLC stuff than Brody killing a guy by having his magic hacker remote

Every interview the guy talks about how he wants to be more Le Carre.

As Jess pointed out, it's not considered a good idea by pretty much anybody involved in recovery work. A relationship might seem like something to sustain you, but it's more likely another unstable support.

I'm glad I'm not the only one to see it that way

Quinn's black and white "I kill bad guys" worldview is simultaneously admirable and troublingly rigid. It'll be interesting to see where they take it.

I found it ridiculous for how lax security seems to be at Idylwild. Aren't these kids with emotional problems? How is it so easy for Leo to keep a hidden iPhone? Where does he charge it? Why aren't any of the doors locked? Why are the windows locked but the WALLS(!?) removeable?

I'm continually wondering if Dana's apparent serial bad taste in men (the new guy hasn't shown his stripes yet, but I get a bad vibe off him… anyone else?) is meant to be a character trait, maybe because she grew up without a father. I'm hoping more and more so, because the other option is lazy writing.

I get more of a Dushku vibe from her than Acker

"I think we should call it… YOUR GRAVE!"

I was actually wondering the same thing… grown up they look very different, but teenage they looked almost the same. I think if they were supposed to be twins there'd've been a bigger deal made of the fact…

You know she was cast for those eyebrows. As soon as I saw her I yelped at the screen "she has crazy person eyebrows!" I was disappointed by teenage version Jenny lacking them… largely because it made it hard to tell which girl was supposed to be which sister. Jenny = crazy person eyebrows. Single strongest

I can't imagine how they can do a second season. That "Broadchurch Will Return" title left me slackjawed. If it involves a mysterious bus crash..? a chess-obsessed serial killer who turns out to be Miller's ex-partner…? I don't see how they could make it work.

They've covered that Katrina never died, she got trapped in some 'between worlds' realm. It seemed (overly) clear to me that they were planning on rescuing her sooner or later… probably at EXACTLY the moment Abbie and Ichie start feeling real sparks

Yeah, did the reviewers get this wrong or did I? I thought "Rising Tide" was Skye, and as such less a terrorist group than a kind of Wikileaks deal… the terrorist group was "The Centipede," which is also kinda dopey

"Grams!?" I wanted that truth-serum scene to be twice as long. Best thing in the episode.

but it was SUCH a letdown from the pilot, which was extremely dumb and incredibly fun. The second ep was just kinda dumb and dull

Yeah, saying that the SHIELD car ripped off Back to the Future is kind of like accusing the Beatles of aping Oasis