Bob Morocco

I believe the van thing was a recent, relatively short phase, judging by her talk with her ex in season 1.

It didn't look like Saturn so it's probably not Titan.

There may be less economic inequality in the North, because the Starks aren't as rich as the Southerners, and thus less social distance. Also a culture less prone to displays of wealth due to less interaction with other nobles.

The serum working on many people has no bearing on how it functions other than its effectiveness. Again we don't know the exact mechanism through which this healing factor works, it had a major short term effect, it cured diseases and rebuilt organs.

Yes, and I believe in the comics terrigen is usually combined with water to create a mist.

Before he got the axe we didn't have much to go on one way or the other. The first piece of evidence that the GH serum had an effect on him is that he is ambulatory instead of 6 feet under. The second was the carvings which seemed to be imprinted somewhere in his mind and in the minds of all the non-Inhumans exposed

When dealing with a serum derived from Alien blood I don't think there are any guarantees but now we have some evidence. We also don't know the mechanism through which the diviner metal attacks or doesn't attack organisms, do we? How did Hydra make it's diviner weapons?

Yes, the ones Jiayang's group made are. But the terrigenesis the Kree can't go through would also include the pure version we saw released from a diviner? The kind that had no effect on Tripp. So we're trying to discern the effect of two substances, terrigen and diviner metal, on a human with exposure to Kree blood.

Yeah but it's the Kree Diviner metal that turns humans to dust, although as a non-Inhuman Phil would not be worthy.

I don't think he has perfected the serum to go full Hyde.

Austrian cellar kid???

Which is why Belson didn't tell him he was promoted just to support a bad faith claim in a frivolous lawsuit. If he comes back Hooli will paint him as a disgruntled, jealous former employee.

They've lost the expectations game my dear boy.

Alison Brie is trying too hard to be the hot geeky girl??? I've seen a tinge of nerves and actorly "please like me" in early appearances but none of what you describe.

That is true but I will go out on a limb and predict the police wont be from South Africa.

There are a bunch of missing diviners. There could also be other Inhuman enclaves out there.

The movies themselves are written so that they can be enjoyed by people who haven't even seen another movie in the MCU, expecting a TV show to contain key plot points, that can't be covered in a couple lines or a montage, that would be required viewing for the movie to make sense is unrealistic. All the TV show or

The Coulson SHIELD v Real SHIELD storyline is all about authority.

First it sounds like the terrigenisis process is very selective. They maintain the society through folklore (Raina's grandmother's stories) and seclusion.

Raina got locked up in her room, guarded by a presumably powered inhuman with red hair.