
Everybody loves Thriller era Jackson.

For the time Ghosts was very advanced. Stephen King helped write the story and Stan Winston was doing the movie quality special effects. It was spectacular, especially when seen on the big screen with an awesome sound system.
I remember it being superior to Thriller.

Neither is (was) Jackson.
I believe Townsend claimed the material found on his computer was just 'research'. Well research or not, it's still illegal to own them.

I have been a member since 2011 as anybody here can easily find out. If you do indeed keep coming across my posts and have been block peoples' accounts as you say, then why is that you can still see me comments??? Actually I see Alberton has been a member since 2015. Yet you don't appear to have blocked that user

Hey Stanley, I want to politely enlighten you about the reasons MJ paid a settlement. I don't want to argue.
When Evan Chandler first approached MJ for money to fund his film project MJ refused. Evan, having seen how much money MJ lavished on his ex wife and son was not happy at all and felt entitled to a piece of the

Larry, the implication is that you must also show up in every story. Otherwise how would you know that? I actually doubt what you said is true because I have no way of knowing if I manage to comment no EVERY MJ story.

You mean like fat Elvis swapped places with pedo Elvis?

Gotta like this

Yep, she went on TV in the UK to discredit Murray's story personally.

Nor do Trekkers like being called Trekkies.
Perhaps MJ Fans don't like being called Floons because it means fu%king loon. It's usually used by those who actually don't have a clue what they're talking about.
It's like Trump calling Hawking a Floon because he disagreed with his theory on black holes. It's madness.


It seems mad to dismiss MJ fans as crazy just because they know the facts and are ready to inform others.
It seems mad to allow a troll to spout total nonsense and sit back and say nothing when you know the truth. Sure, I could, but I don't see why a person (even if they're dead) should be trashed completely when

Yes, which is exactly why Murray is guilty as sin. Regardless of whether MJ asked for it or not, the law required Murray to NOT administer it because it was an inappropriate durg for which he had no training, nor the monitoring equipment required. Massive fail.

Oh for God's sake. There WERE two grand juries. BOTH rejected the case against MJ. I'm not even going to comment on your paranoid delusion that people arguing against you must be the same person. why can't you accept that there is more than one person who opposes your view?

I'm with you on the first paragraph but not on the second.
I don't see why it's ok for people to call somebody a pedo and then back up their arguments with decades of tabloid misinformation or disproven allegations. Sadly it's too easy for lies to become the truth these days. the internet allows this stuff to gain

As s/he said, it's all in the official documents. Anybody who has read them knows this stuff. Sadly the media preferred to add their own twist to proceedings over the years and many unfounded or disproven statements have been reported as truth. Trolls love these and cling to them despite the evidence.

No only that but MJ was NEVER in jail, so it would not be possible for him to STILL be in jail. It's a nonsense statement.

Hey Larry, I'm my own person. I'm not an alias. You're sounding deluded now.

It was $15,331,250
why can't you get this very basic fact correct??

Actually, MJ DID report a claim of extortion against the Chandlers in August 1993.