Also, this may be the most appropriate comment in the history of not just Gawker, but the whole internet.
Also, this may be the most appropriate comment in the history of not just Gawker, but the whole internet.
We really shook the pillars of heaven, didn’t we, Wang?
You completely whiffed on the most quotable movie of all time.
“Duffman’s more than a man. He’s an IDEA. A man can be killed. A DUFFMAN will live forever.”
So that means that Kite Man’s true nemesis is not Batman, but a tree?
I could see a rogue gallery of (more) villains like this, all belonging to some organization with a cool S.P.E.C.T.R.E. name, like:
That poster has a very minimalistic design, one might ever call it a Stark Poster.
This is all very interesting and cool and I appreciate the article Germain, but I have to ask... is the “wonder” his penis?
Trump: Holt?
Holt: Yes, Donald?
Trump: Have you ever seen a Commie drink a glass of water?
Holt: Well, I can’t say I have, Donald.
Trump: Vodka, that’s what they drink, isn’t it? Never water?
Holt: Well, I-I believe that’s what they drink, Donald, yes.
Trump: On no account will a Commie ever drink water, and not…
Aaaand we’re officially at precious bodily fluids level of crazy....
“Science is...whatever we want it to be.” -Dr. Spaceman
“The human body is like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted.”
And now here’s a videos of a hamster eating a tiny burrito.
Merlin time travels to replace King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table with a football team called The Knights from New York. Your move Lussier.
The only gangster anyone in this administration reminds me of.
“I don’t think—that’s not a threat. He’s simply stated a fact...”
Why bother with the Diet Coke? I mean, really?
Diet coke, extra sauce, another scoop of ice cream....