
Try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot!

Fun fact - back in the 1970s there was a time Meat was on tour and they went somewhere... I don’t remember where, but the place was haunted. Or maybe it was just that Meat was insane and/or doing a ton of drugs. Anyway. He runs into the next room and Jim Steinman is there idly playing with this little toy that goes

What’s not represented in the original comment: 9 and a half minutes of piano and guitar solos.

I will do anything for love,

You can only get robbed at gun point so many times before you decide the pay of the job isn’t worth the hassle. Good on these clerks for breaking their destructive habit of being the victim!

Ego “Cause Jack Burton is a fucking legend” would also be acceptable.

“Since license plates are the property of the Crown, there is no appeal process.”

1,969 pieces? I see what you did there, Lego.

How is pranking these assholes hurting victims?

Alien day being on 4/26 is goddamn stupid. It should fall on the 426th day of the year, dummies.

If nobody else will..........

Could just be a bootlegged Raiders of the Lost Ark

So I called this hotline to complain about UFOs and now the FBI is here.

Because there’s a mom in Cars 2. Except that, apparently, she’s the only one because they’ve intentionally chosen to not create families in Cars.

They should have just had Danny McBride play Kenny Powers in Space for Covenant.

I kinda want this to happen now. Hah

Ok, can we get a Marvel One-Shot of these two?