Chile Colorado is the red stuff.
Chile Colorado is the red stuff.
Trump eats his white-horned rhino steaks well done with ketchup.
Flock of geese, You mean the Royal Canadian Air Force.
It also improves traction in the snow.
I have so many memories of sitting in the back of my parents old Taurus playing Game Boy and making faces at the cars behind us.
Is the Thing’s dick made of orange rock like the rest of his body?
That’s it, I’m shutting down the studio!
Barry Allen, is that you?
You’re god damn right!
From this order I assume he didn’t leave a tip.
False flag attacks, suppression of digital information, and Presidential crotch grabbing. This game predicted the future better than I thought.
Tasmanian people too
Senator Fred Thompson is the voice of reason we all need right now.
The replacement will be chosen from a list of people who will compete in various challenges on prime time television. The ratings will be tremendous.
Why is there a fork in that last picture? Is Bruce Wayne their target demographic.
The rabbit aero leveler 2.0 does not suck, it blows. As in pressurizing the wine bottle and pushing the cork out. It will not suck out a heart, but it will blow it up like a balloon. That said, I agree with your corkscrew policy since smashing the bottle aerates the wine just fine.