
Of course it was a sham. We knew that as soon as they declined to interview Ford or Kavanaugh themselves. 

You should take the job and be our mole! Think of it as being a double agent, lying in wait until the perfect moment when ZAP! You bring the whole fucking thing down.

It’s not the right way to put it, but I’m glad to hear her say this. I had a real issue with the tidiness of The Theory of Everything when I saw it in theaters. Real life is messy, and I knew going in that Stephen Hawking’s personaly life was particularly messy. The movie turned almost all of that struggle and strife

He seems super nostalgic about high school, like his emotional development stopped around his freshman year.

My favorite “bar fight” story:

Conservatives: The poors and coloreds are nothing but drunken, violent degenerates.

Now playing

I remember once, my kickboxing instructor took me to a bar, and made me dance with another man’s girlfriend. Well, he obviously did not take kindly to it, and I dance-fought with him and all his buddies. Was it a good idea? Certainly not. Did I learn a valuable lesson?

Anyone with a smidgen less entitlement would have withdrawn their name by now. This guys a fucking sociopath. A raging drunk sociopath. 

It went viral and Tripp was able to secure a book deal out of the fiasco, resulting in the “abstract manifesto”

It gets even worse!!

I mean, the writing sucks, but the thought is pretty good.

For fucks sake, I had less angst as a 16 year old. Kill it with fire.

Okay, but like, this is an actual quote from Curvy Wife Guy:

I’m confused. Who am I supposed to be mad at? I’m leaning towards just eating a Snickers.  Can someone tell?

I thought she was just explaining once you have Captain America you are forever horny. I think I would be.

[Horniness] is my way of life...

They’re so hung up on the flying thing. Many people, including myself, are afraid of flying, but do it anyway. Sometimes I can psych myself up for it. Usually, though, I get half-Kavanaughed before I board the plane.

Why is Bernie Sanders the first Senator to ask for a perjury investigation? What the fuck is wrong with the Democratic leadership that they didn’t demand this immediately?

He also lied when he claimed he had no connections to Yale, because his grandfather was an alum.