He’ll never withdraw, he’s too entitled. He believes he is owed this position.
He’ll never withdraw, he’s too entitled. He believes he is owed this position.
I suspect that’s the real reason Fox News fired him. He told someone to pick up a book. Surely that’s going way off message.
Telling a respected professor and PhD to open a book...it’s like he’s just too lazy to tailor his misogyny to the target. At least show some pride in your shitty craft, dude!
This was such an odd strategy. They needed the optic of empathy, not someone in an adversarial position who is making this look more like a trial. Maybe that’s the point to bamboozle people into thinking there’s some official burden of proof for Dr. Ford involved here, but that is ... not smart. It’s just another…
That’d be a waste of good pie. Let’s use fruitcake instead.
Or a pie. I could do with a pie in the face.
Although this may be TMI, last night, I had a flashback during sex with my loving, kind, wonderful boyfriend who has never laid a finger on me in anger. He knew exactly what was causing it, and he knows how hard the last two weeks have been on me. He did all the right things and I was finally able to calm down.
Hey now...
“Can you give me a chance?” scream-whines the man who has not yet let a woman respond to his prior comments. What an asshole.
Take that up with Avenatti. Hopefully she submitted the photo:
OK, I’ll say it.... Brett Kavanaugh she be disbarred, and possibly catapulted into the Sun, but god-damn that is like the worst picture to use of the latest witness/victim to come forward. It’s not just me right??!? ....that huge happy smile, not really the most appropo of “I have some very serious, horrible testimony…
Her statement is hard to read, and, importantly, incredibly specific and damning. She mentions other witnesses willing to speak, she’s worked in the government for years and holds multiple security clearances, and she submitted a sworn affidavit.
Mid-50s, knocked up a 21-year-old, was busted for cocaine while in state government, and signed up to be on a show with other hard-drinking 20-somethings. Because... optics? Who knows.
He’s 56, btw. (Since the age of the woman he knocked up is listed, I figured this was relevant.)
He got better
They don’t try to hurt people?! They blew up Vince McMahon’s limo and killed him!
To hear him tell it, he was just simply a nice church going boy who only wanted to be top of his class and captain of his team. He had such clarity of mind at all times he never lost his faculties unlike Ford who must have been mixed up in some haze.
I hate seeing these women sitting in these interviews. This is his problem not hers.
My favorite part of tonight’s interview on Fox was when Brett described when, approximately, he lost his virginity.