if there’s one thing the right is good at it’s monetizing mental illness everything.
if there’s one thing the right is good at it’s monetizing mental illness everything.
I own the dvd for this movie and actually enjoy it. HDTGM did an episode on on it. Totally worth a listen.
This is not a privacy case. This is an equal protection case. It’s contrary to equal protection to punish conduct committed by a woman when the same conduct is committed by a man is not illegal.
Really, I just butter everything to be on the safe side.
Whatever you do, please consider an electric car or a plug in hybrid.
A criminal lack of Space Camp in this youtube clip.
Get Henry too. There are still Nazis in prison.
Kissinger’s still walking around as a free and lauded man so I wouldn’t expect Cheney or Rumsfeld to go down for anything, they’re small fry compared to Dr. Killinger.
The Watergates keep getting worse because the leaders of the original Watergate conspiracy got away with it.
“The next time you’re given instruction, you need to listen. Period.”
Now I’m confused. Am I getting Swoyer’s argument right?
Holy shit. They knew better than to erase and destroy the call and transcript, but they thought they could store it on a national security database to keep it secret. Or something. Jesus. Giuliani is fucked. Also, MULTIPLE officials were concerned. Multiple.
Well son, you know how sometimes, in a seedy men’s room, there’s a hole in the divider wall...
“And it messes with the subtle flavors in the hummus.”
“And it messes with the subtle flavors in the hummus.”
Your outlook on food seems pretty bleak. In fact, I shudder at the thought of denying my pallet of new experiences.
Your outlook on food seems pretty bleak. In fact, I shudder at the thought of denying my pallet of new experiences.
So don’t eat it? If someone thinks something tastes better with an addition, however far from culturally accurate it may be, why do you give a shit that they enjoy it?
So don’t eat it? If someone thinks something tastes better with an addition, however far from culturally accurate it…
Why would you not?
Why would you not?
Haha there’s always that! Your right that it’s probably more of a Lufehacker-esque guide, and it’s probably outside the realm of do-ability for average people, but the is definitely classic Lifehacker spirit and I love it.
Haha there’s always that! Your right that it’s probably more of a Lufehacker-esque guide, and it’s probably outside…
Always glad to see you round these parts Whitson but if we’re going on the subject of DIY security (and maybe it might not be apropos under “theinventory” and more under Lifehacker) why not just buy yourself a few Raspberry Pi, install Motioneye with a few USB cameras connected to it? Whenever it catches motion it’ll…
Always glad to see you round these parts Whitson but if we’re going on the subject of DIY security (and maybe it…