
I have a small lapel pin company. Thinking of getting these made and donating the proceeds to planned parenthood.

There is no position too small for Trump’s kleptocracy.

Even less if you take one of the IV bags they have on the sidelines and have someone apply one to you on the jet home. My dad was a medic and would put in his own IV bags the day after a night out so he could work the next day.

Comments like this are a result of the new culture Gizmodo is building  the internet where everyone is a know-it-all sceptic. Cheers!

Weird. I didn’t think 23 Megapixels was bigger than 41, which is the number of Megapixels the Nokia 808 and Lumia 1020 had in 2012 and 2013. Huh.

that doesn’t change the fact that on a sensor level 41 is bigger than 23.

ok. but that doesn’t make the sensor bigger, just the picture. a 41mp sensor is bigger than a 23mp sensor.

so im still right then. a 41mp sensor is bigger than a 23mp sensor.

so it’s 1 sensor that’s 23 megapixels, that they use to take 4 pictures and combine them. still only 1 23 megapixel sensor, as opposed to Nokia’s 41 megapixel sensor.

Asus claims it has the highest resolution mobile camera sensor (Sony IMX318) on the rear of the phone 

Im sorry what were the crimes Clinton was found guilty of?

Assange notes that the Obama administration is “trying to delegitimize the Trump administration as it goes into the White House. They are trying to say that President-elect Trump is not a legitimate president.”

Brian Kilmeade is such a tool.

My father in-law lives a very healthy lie style. Works out, eats healthy, goes to bed on time. But heart diseases runs in his family and he still had to have stents put in and then had a double by pass later in life. This stuff just gets to you no matter what you do sometimes.

I choose to believe that Jyn’s alias of “Lyanna Halleck” is a nod to Dune’s Gurney Halleck. I WILL NOT LET ANYONE TELL ME DIFFERENT.

Meh, they make more than enough money doing dumb shit like soliciting donations to dig a giant hole to nowhere. I don’t feel bad about it at all.

Don’t blame it on the comment section when it was your comment that started this.

The entire premise of the Iraq war was crafted by our intelligence agencies Cheney and Wolfowitz and trumpeted by the media.

Even when people don’t care what the truth is and just dig their heels into their falsehoods? Studies of show people like this won’t listen to reason when proven wrong, they just continue to plod ahead.

Threading seems fun. I hope to get the chance to thread some day.