
I have the win 10 preview on my lumia 1020 right now and it’s great. The only issue is the new microsoft camera app isn’t as robust as the original lumia camera app, but supposedly they are working on integrating those features. it is a bit quicker though than it used to be to take pictures, which is a huge plus.

I loved the Earth Siege/Star Siege series. Such great games! I even liked Tribes which was different, but in the same universe.

I forget what the actual website was, but Kender Chat. Online roleplaying in the DragonLance universe.

Oh man I’d love this. I was a big fan of MissonForce: Cyberstorm back in the day


Hahaha wives suck, amiright guys? Women are the pits!

I was under the impression that you dumped ice water on your head AND had to donate a small amount. If you opted not to dump ice water on your head, you donated a larger amount. That’s how the people on my FB feed pass it around. If you did the ice bucket, you donated $10, if you didn’t you donated $100.

I don’t know many people with Zunes, but the few I do love theirs.

I just don’t understand why people use them to document their faces while something is happening. Your reaction is the least interesting aspect of what ever you’re actually doing.

Ladies love hearing that you’re statistically as good or better than the average.

Well the point of the exam was to evaluate generic science knowledge in the US, and a US classroom would be US-centric.

We don’t sleep now, we charge.

The only Apps I feel I’m missing out on are Snapchat (which is the developers fault for shutting down 6snap), Periscope (telescope is ok but you can’t search, can’t broadcast, crashes), and meerkat. I still have an obscene amount of apps to choose from, nothing to complain about.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. Great book but half of it is characters apologizing for taking up the time of the other characters.

The asteroid was the reset button.

Despite numerous claims, Martin’s portrayal of rape is not supported by history....

A “Redditor .... was annoyed when....”