
Have you read the books? If not, I don’t want to get into too much detail but it serves a pretty big purpose. Even if you haven’t, it legitimizes her marriage to the Boltons, so the marriage can’t be dissolved. We also remember that Sansa was told to but a beacon on the broken tower if she needs help, and it’s pretty

My gf and her roommates have a keurig. We have 6 of those refillable k-cups so that we don’t create too much waste. They only use them on the weekend, because during the week they “don’t have time.” I use the single cup french press because I feel like why have it if we don’t use.

fallacy, can’t abort a baby cause it’s not a baby yet.

those headphones were 9.99 last week on a deal of the day site.

those headphones were 9.99 last week on a deal of the day site.

Oh man, I was walking around NYC the other day and this weird person walked up to me and asked me who my favorite author was, and without thinking i just said "Bruce Coville" as I walked away. I loved everything he wrote as a kid. Still have all his books. This guy got me more free Pizza Hut Book It pizzas than

Need a Dune version please.

As a rugby player, and having sung this song before, I have to say I think we ever intended for these songs to be taken as threatening or degrading. The traditional singing was done at drink ups after the game, where the home team would host the away team, and each team would sing songs back and forth (this didn't

Such a great universe though. Wish they wrote more about Wolf and Raven though

Has anyone said pussy juice? Pussy juice.

Has anyone said pussy juice? Pussy juice.

Well most wines from Australia and such are shipped to the US in giant bags and bottled on site anyway.

When other products in it's category offer that feature at the same price point or cheaper, it just makes sense to include one. Not to mention that maybe with software updates down the line, the accuracy of the heart rate sensor may improv. Most of the review I've read about Basis Peak and Charge HR have said the

Well there's going to be a huge difference between trackers that measure heart rate and ones that don't. Would have been better to use trackers with similar features like a Fitbit Charge HR.

My gym has a movie theater with treadmills. It's awesome.

Says the guy who never saw Phenomenon

Except for Huma Dragonbane of course .

Great list. If I could recommend a 9b, it would be this.

They generally have to pay his estate if the rights passed on to them. Otherwise it goes to who ever owns the rights, unless it becomes public domain.

23 skidoo