
@northeastthreat: There's a difference between legislation concerning what goes on in the workplace or private property and legislation concerning what can transpire on a public street. In the workplace you have the right to be able to perform your job without fear of harassment of any kind, but that right doesn't

@small-fox: Thank you for that. Maybe the second half of my comment was flippant, but I'm glad you understood my intentions.

My girlfriend gets cat called all the time, whether I'm with her or not. So a part of me would love this. However, they are essentially creating "limited free speech" zones. What's next, zones where people aren't allowed to look at each other from the neck down?

@ossuary: UnderArmour makes compression shorts with a separate uncompressed crotch area. I'm sure they can do the same.

Article mentioning the Nokia N8 with a snide remark thrown in? Check.

@lucystrawberry: It wouldn't be news if gawker hadn't paid for the story. So yes you're right. But I can't respect an organization that pays for a story like this and then turns around and tries to wag it's finger at you for reading it.

Hey I can appreciate a guy who is anal retentive about the continuity of a fantasy universe. So long as he doesn't bring it up at the bar.

I haven't been getting robocalls, but I've been getting called by political groups that have little kids pitching over the phone. I can't bring myself to just hang up the phone, so I let the kid struggle through his script and then I just tell them they have my vote and listen as they squeal with glee that they get

@TheAntiCat: Yeah I pop in ever now and then. It's a great site.

@joe-guy: It took them long enough. I only clicked on the link because I thought I recognized her.

Oh Olivia Wilde, you strike to the core of me.

@Joe Stoner: Stop scrutinizing other people's posts and then bitching when your own posts get a similar treatment. If you're going to dish it out, be able to take it.

@Joe Stoner: Aw beardie got upset. "Dear Internet...."

@Joe Stoner: I'm just calling it like I see it. You're insulting someone's terminology while not even taking the time to check over what you typed. Did it whip you into such a fervor that you clicked "share" without a second glance?