Bob McLennan

Nah, you can't boil down a long-running show into one gag. You don't want to end up sounding like Seth McFarlane, do you?

Agreed. That show was amazing right out of the gate. You don't include a line like "a trick is something a whore does for money" in your pilot episode if your show isn't fully formed and brimming with confidence.

Even his quieter moments came off as hammy, possibly just due to splashback from all the times he went way over the top (call it the Adam West Effect.)

"Christ, what an asshole."

I think one of the Coens beat you to it.

I wasn't a huge fan of WoWS (and I'm an insane Scorsese fan) but DiCaprio was fantastic in it. His crawl to the car was Oscar-worthy all by itself.

Shit, I didn't get to see. Are there gifs???

Inarritu is a hack. In ten years, his wins will be punch lines of the same magnitude as "Crash."

To the Academy, "Best" is synonymous with "Most."

I've seen that angle mentioned a few times in comment sections or overheard at work/parties/etc but haven't done any digging myself. Do you know if there's a definitive article or interview published online about the subject?

Absofuckinloutely. It is, without exaggeration, a masterpiece. It's a cultural time capsule that strives to remain at a distance so as to let the various original broadcast footage really get in close to the story. I could watch it every day.

A recent ESPN headline read, "Josh Hamilton Gets Shot For Knee Problems"

We saw one of these around Christmas that had the blower turned up too high, and it was hilariously creepy (or creepily hilarious, either one.) The damned thing was standing up as straight as an oak tree, arms frozen in the "Y" formation and occasionally shifting slightly, like it was chained to a wall but only

All things considered, Bowie should have been my idol/inspiration for gangly weirdos determined to succeed on their own terms. But by the time I "discovered" Bowie, Lux Interior had already filled that role for me for some time. So I kinda count myself fortunate for being in the right position to simply enjoy some

I loved that "Did you bugger my chances with her?" line. It's a great way to illustrate how he's the type of person who just can't comprehend why someone he likes doesn't like him back.

I love Sinatra, and I love most of his version of this song, but the "shining star" lyric change just takes the air out of it. Besides, even if he sang the original line, Garland's version would be better. It's kinda unfair that she has such a great scene (and movie) to boost her version into the stratosphere, but

Yeah, but those Olympics also helped turn Katerina Witt into a worldwide sensation, so that should take at least a little of the Kathie Lee sting out of it.

Thank you. I keep wondering why people seem to think their presence was a coincidence and not specific planning on their part.

That's some good shit.