
I guess it means there's basically no weight on the back wheels, as is demonstrated in this video.... right?

The other day, for a combination of reasons, I ended up running (on foot) headlong into a wall. The first thing I said once I recovered was "Damn, I wish I had that on video!" So yeah, videotape everything you do all the time.

XKCD put the calculator problem quite well...

That's Japan, dude.

At least this one doesn't have Rastapopolous in it... (or however you spell it)

Another thing that would be more interesting (and even more so than the lens) if you could see the cross-sectioned version in operation.

Speaking of balls, at the end of the electromagnet part it looks like they're forming a giant sperm.

It looks like the naval observatory isn't blurred any more. It was interesting to see when it was, since the blurred area was perfectly round....

That's too bad. I went there one or two times when I was too little to go on anything interesting and always wanted to go back...

Caparo T1, as long as the driver is someone I'd be happy spooning.

More than almost any of the things mentioned, the most annoying and repetitive comment I see nowadays is people complaining about the redesign.

I don't know, I think a well done "yo dawg... etc" can still be pretty funny. Maybe just because I missed it (how? I don't know) when it first was big. I really don't understand how anyone can think that creepily hitting on (or whatever you want to call it) the editors could be a good idea though.

Heh heh heh.... he said "hoary."