
Someone always says what I want to before I do. Oh well.

And that is why I live in (well, near) San Francisco. See you at Bay to Breakers in a couple weeks :-)

Ok, thanks for bringing this up, since it has caused me to do a little research and realize that for some reason I had been believing a strange and incorrect thing for some time: namely that the Palace of Fine Arts was originally built on Treasure Island, and later moved (somehow? I don't know.) to it's current

The aspect ratio of the video is messed up for me, which makes both trucks look like the rollgolf.

At one point even setting the record in an airplane wasn't so exciting... from The Right Stuff:

"Ungodly" is an adjective, so I guess it would be "ungodlyly expensive"...?

I though people just dove tractors in those states...

I have been at fault in one accident (there was another one one time when a chinese guy rear-ended me. He was obviously at fault, and since his car was sort of smooshed in and mine wasn't damaged, and since he didn't speak english, I just sort of said "whatever" and went on...)

Don't cars still have the "can't lock the driver's door when it's open" feature? I know my A3 does, though it doesn't have a mechanical lock button thingy. My parents' old Accord was like this as well, but you could lock it if you pulled out the door handle at the same time.

As someone mentioned before, I'm disappointed to see a guyed tower (unless the guy wires are made of lego-related materials... dunno what that would be, though).

Not 100% sure this was the first, but I remember having to hang out at my dad's office for a while one time, and looking at the robert jordan group on usenet.