
"This thing is really sexy. Thinner than ..."

Probably because I'm a little bit sick and tired, but I just read the headline here as "giant underground cucumber discovered on the moon," which, probably because I'm a little bit sick and tired, I found hilarious.

Sounds like a job for Axe Cop

Seriously. I tried looking around a little but didn't find anything. I'm also curious about the scissor lift one.

That actually looks quite enjoyable. Add me to the list of insane people.

One time in college I was walking around the local town, and on a pole there was a sign that said the following:

Tony Vs Paul

I've got a skin gun right here...

Can we have some more snow in the sierras please?

Because nature? No. I would say because race duck.

@bobmarley101: And by "Andrew" I mean "Alexander." Oops.

The space vehicles one makes me sad. RIP Constellation/Ares.

The salt mine shaft picture looks like it would make an interesting lampshade.

What is this "smoke infused" business? Am I so out of the loop I didn't notice that "smoke" was a desirable beverage flavor?

I seem to use "sed 's/xxx/yyy/'" a lot, but perhaps just because I don't know better ways to do things (e.g. rename).

@rlee: Then again, if you do "set -o vi" you can do the same with vi shortcuts on the command line, and simultaneously not be a horrible person :-)

@strays2k: LOFL? That's a new one...