
@stavius: "My and my friend Panda were going to Merlyn's for some magic cards"

@Beaumar: Right next to the exit of the main area there are some concept drawings of a giant oblique flying wing... that would have been something to see, had it been constructed.

@dan-says: It can float, but doesn't have to. The floating ones can be Arks; that's fine with me.

The Ark?

@Xander Crews: Lol @ the link to "careers" section on their website:

"Ancient Gadgets"? It's not just schoolkids that didn't understand the Antikythera mechanism, and if you had used something like it every day you might have found the scholars' guesses equally cute...

My favorite that I've seen was "I (heart) BDSM" on an original mini, I think.

@DeadBuick: Also, moving this way is called "holonomic locomotion", which just sounds cool.

Knobs and dials (and a <2 year old)

Yay for putting accents on romanizations of chinese words to indicate the tones.

That is not cool. What would be cool is if it had like five of them, and could launch (and recover!) them in-flight. That would be cool.

Me: Oh, it's a fancy wooden box with cameras inside. They must be Leicas.

@drummrx: I think you're right, but it's upside down.

@drummrx: That's an awesome picture, but what's the big one at the bottom left?

@thisISaRant...: I don't understand why that would be. Wouldn't improved aerodynamics lessen the benefit of drafting, thus making it easier to pass...? Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

One of my original riven disks is scratched, so I guess this is one more reason to want an ipad...

I just half-heard something on the radio about this in the last couple days, and one thing they mentioned that doesn't come up in the video is that "going out into the world" was quite unusual for sounds, especially sci-fi sounds, in movies in that era—in general people went to a synthesizer first, which may be why

Since you took the effort to put the 'okina in, I feel like you might not take it amiss if I point out that you actually (I assume) took a picture of Lana'i from the lanai.