
Also remember to jump when the left turn arrow turns green but your lane stays red, and then be too far into the intersection, briefly toy with reversing, and make the person behind you panic that you’re going to reverse right into them (or forget you’re in reverse when you try to go).

Possibly stupid question -- do tires outside of the US still use the same measurement system?  I have to imagine a “19 inch rim” is purely an American thing but sometimes things bleed over.

I have to admit that I have back issues so I tend to drive in a slightly more reclined position, but I shall correct this.

This is the largest car that I can afford.

Friend / coworker of mine did pretty similar which is why I know this. Luckily we worked at a small company that actually allowed him to make payments directly to them rather than take the penalty. Super nice of them.

And if your job is not secure, be prepared to pay the whole thing if you get laid off / fired.  In most cases 401k loans are due in full at termination of employment (or even if you voluntarily switch jobs).

Thanks!  Bookmarking.

He also made a series of videos where he took the car apart and put it back together again, which to be fair takes time.

Yeah, my entire lower body flexibility / mobility is for shit, I just know which stretches give me particular trouble. Quad stretches I’m pretty OK with, but trying to touch my toes (especially seated) is a nightmare. I do have hip problems (I sound like I’m 100 years old) so I’m sure that doesn’t help!

Pullups are the obvious answer, but pushups too. I’m getting better, but man do I feel like it’s a long road to get there.

I know most people disagree with me, and that’s fine, but I dislike the “no blind spot” mirror adjustment rule. Just because my side mirrors are pointing in the same general direction as my rear view doesn’t mean they see the same thing. I drive a small car most of the time, so usually what my center rear view mirror

That’s definitely the case with most (all?) modern cars when starting, but I don’t know about the auto start-stop feature that is being referred to here (ie when you stop at a red light, the engine shuts off, and when you are ready to go it automatically fires back up)

I always assumed start-stop on a manual only worked with the clutch depressed or the car in neutral, so that’s not really the same thing as being in gear and at speed.

That’s an interesting point, how does this work with a manual?  Europe still has quite a few more than we do.  Do you need an automatic clutch as well?  Does the car just stall?

This is the correct take on all three counts.

At least with the hospital system I’m in, we actually have gotten a check from them at the end of the year when they do their internal audits and realize they were paid twice for the same thing (once from insurance, once from us).  It’s probably better to call rather than give them a free loan and hope they catch the

Haha, I suppose I should have Googled that, but thanks :)

I think I agree with this except what is a milkshake duck?

Maybe even less so, since I don’t wear a helmet in the car... ;)

Last year I bought an MGB.  1978, so rubber bumper years, but still a lot of this rings familiar.  Sure it’s broken all the time, but when it is running it is the closest thing I have found to a motorcycle since I stopped riding.