I totally agree it’s awkward, sorry if my previous reply seemed preachy, it was aimed just as much at myself (who hates confrontation even if it’s positive) as your specific comment.
I totally agree it’s awkward, sorry if my previous reply seemed preachy, it was aimed just as much at myself (who hates confrontation even if it’s positive) as your specific comment.
I agree that is my least favorite part of the system, but still beats them taking your card from you.... And really if you're going to stiff someone you should be able to do it to their face
Hi there irrationally angry dude!
It’s not hard to forge most people’s signature to a point where the average waitstaff or point of sale person could distinguish. Especially since most “signatures” are squiggles, mine included. Sure when it gets to the bank maybe they have a person “trained” to spot a forgery, but by that point it’s way too late.
Yes, I love how we decided “signatures don’t work, let’s just do nothing instead.”
Yes Canada (and most of Europe) does the payment step differently than America, due to “chip and pin” vs “chip and signature.”. In America they take your card from you, do a pre-authorization, bring back the check, you fill out the tip and total and sign and leave that signed receipt on the table.
This comment was a real roller coaster.
It’s personal for me, but there are a few things I get out of it:
It’s personal for me, but there are a few things I get out of it:
The interest doesn’t really play into the math here anyway. You come out badly even if you paid cash. You paid 10500 for a car worth half that, but if you paid the cash price (no loan) you paid 9600 for a car worth barely half that. How much better is that, in pure investment terms?
Didn’t have a big variety of cars this year, but
Yup, pretty much every time the dogs act up.
This opinion is different from my opinion and it makes me upset.
The reposting of this is one of my favorite Christmas traditions. My wife and I use the term “cockblocktopus” as often as possible.
Me? I’m not advocating for anything, just relaying my personal experience (thankfully from many, many years ago). Not every situation has a magic winning move to solve it.
Ugh yes, bullies may be cowards but they are also usually bigger than you, “fighting back” only works in the movies.
As far as things that would be useful while driving though, it would be a toss-up between God mode and .... being able to go through things with impunity mode.
I guess IDSPISPOPD is too long?
I think you’re applying an individual experience globally here. Leominster absolutely has door-to-door trick-or-treating — you can find it on their Facebook page even! I think the reason so many people don’t see trick or treaters is that parents / kids are more savvy nowadays and tend to drive to the “good” (read :…
Fun fact, maybe 15 years ago some friends and i went on a cruise (we were in our early-to-mid 20's), and on one of our excursions we were grouped up with a group from the Villages, and since then a) I’ve been convinced that it’s actually a cult, based on how fanatical they were about it, and b) I still sing what i…
I feel like I’ve opened myself up to a lawsuit when you damage your property based on my haranguing :)