Interesting! I’d thought that the factor fighting viral replication was raised temperatures.
Interesting! I’d thought that the factor fighting viral replication was raised temperatures.
“I don’t know how he slept there,” Trump said on one tour in early 2018, according to a person on the tour. “He was a really tall guy!”
Marist poll...50 percent of Latino adults approve of Trump’s job as president, up from 31 percent in December
Elderberries grow wild in my area. Maybe in yours, too(?) If you can harvest your own, that’s certainly cheaper and you’re not wondering about the percent content is what you’re taking.
Any chance of doing this same kind of summary for the SOTU? Much prefer your summary to his going on. I fid it, as the Australians say “chronic”.
Squatters in SLC has pretty excellent brew.
Right, because pointing with your thumb is so natural... not. To be fair, some people actually prefer those Lenovo/IBM pointing sticks set in the keyboard
Right, because pointing with your thumb is so natural... not. To be fair, some people actually prefer those Lenovo/IB…
Working corporate? At your next review, ask your boss for the next position up (fine if you get more $$ too). The way it works in the corps I’ve worked in is that every position has a ‘range’ (e.g. 60-100K, 40-60K). Moving a position up leaves you lower in the ‘range’ for that position. At which point, a raise becomes…
Old guy here. We’re shrinking! I’ve lost an inch so far,,,
Or you can walk in and buy a GC. I just tell the door person “I’m here to buy a gift certificate” and get waved in every time. I can then shop with the GC - anything add’l to the GC amount I can just pay.
Bone conduction may not be the most popular headphone technology, but it’s been around for nearly 10 years
Bone conduction may not be the most popular headphone technology, but it’s been around for nearly 10 years
I’ve noticed that with Google Home, you can say “hey Google! play NPR.” And it does that.
Went to school in France. My first phrase, other than “ou se trouve le toilette” (where’s the john?), was “deux pressions, s’il vous plait”(two draft beers please).
It certainly does. But there’s always plutonium- JK, yeah I know the proliferation hazard - and it’s amazingly poisonous. I’ve read that when the atom bomb was being developed, if a glove box failed, the only thing they could to to avert death wad immediate high amputation. So No f’ing kidding, it’s dangerous.
NG certainly harms the global environment (CO2) plus where it’s taken out of the ground (fracking). Nukes are clean - until you have an accident, or it’s time to decommission, or need to store used fuel rods. But how otherwise to generate power when the sun’s gone down and the wind slows? We’ve got a bunch of hydro,…
I had thought that, with Trump supporters, cruelty was the point. I don’t expect this to move the needle on the Republican side. I’m guessing they’re pretty satisfied that they’re starving some of ‘the poors’.
Exactly! Although, to be fair, there’s more paperwork. And you might need to already have a passport. (I did/do have one, used it as ID, not sure if it was necessary).
I remember reading about a number of coal generation plants in MA that were switched to natural gas. NG has issues, but it’s better than coal. More efficient, cheaper, cleaner: no need to run a smokestack scrubber, no sulfur or radioactivity. I’d think a prime mover would be “cheaper’.
You’re right - I went looking and see that we still have about 145-150MW capacity in coal (unclear whether Indian Orchard plant 1 is still online). To put that 154-150MW in perspective, total is about 11058MW - and given the decoupling of production and transmission, you, as an energy consumer, can opt for something…
With photography and humidity, lower is better.