
Depending on the chiropractor, and what’s causing pain in your back, chiropractic can help. There’s a huge variation in practitioners. How to tell if you’ve got a decent one? They’ll give you exercises (like in PT) so whatever it was doesn’t re-occur. They’ll also sometimes say things like “sorry, but chiropractic

Got a rooted phone? Get AFWall. You can decide on a app-by-app basis who gets wifi data access, mobile data access, roaming mobile data access and vpn data access. It modifies netfilter chains just like iptables - but much easier to use.

Well, if the email account you don’t really use is on gmail, you can setup another gvoice number that you also don’t really use. 

Point taken. If we were friends, I’d already know about the underemployed thing - and assume you wanted separate checks. the issue comes up when it’s friends of friends. How would I know about them? I’d like to think their friends might speak up...

I’ve noticed that the people who try to spend less on meals (least expensive entre, skip apps, no liquor) mostly do it because they’re on a tight budget. If it’s a friend, I already know their budget situation a foaf, not so much. I’d cut this person asking for cash some slack, not try to budget-shame them.

True ‘nuff - at least if you go to Norway to find Norwegians...

The bottled stuff is IMO vile. The original, made from scratch, while not to my taste, is fine.

You’ve read Polakis’ paper? Decent summary in wired 

Not having FB does not mean you are safe from this hack. I’m a FB never-user and I am at risk (see my post).

My concern isn’t so much Facebook single sign in logins. I don’t have any, never signed up with FB. It’s with sites that consider FB sign in to be a legit alternate login - so they can sign in there as me using a FB token.

They probably step around ‘fraud’ by saying something like “we’ve had tax accountants review this, and they consider it to be fraud”.

I think you forgot male privilege.

Pretty much never take a counteroffer. If you stay, they will always see you as the guy who held them up for more money / better hours.

I had a workaholic boss who would leave me very, very, long voicemails from when he was driving. I finally broke him of that by forwarding the voicemail back to him with a “I’m unclear on item 11. Could you elaborate?”

Not exactly ‘writing on the wall’. However, after the Doolitttle raids, the Japanese realized they had to conquer and hold a much larger swath of the Pacific than they had intended at the time of Pearl Harbor / Philippines. Having cities made primarily of paper makes you react to a single small bomber raid by trying

BTW, according to my state senator (Jamie Eldridge), MA has a pending bill to remove the pre-RvW ban. He says that it comes up every year and gets tabled until the next year because there’s no need to pass it. Last year, it came up, yet again, both houses passed it, gov signed it.

Great article!

Very possibly there’s evidence, that, if you combine it with his testimony in front of the senate during his confirmation to the Federal bench. will show that he deliberately lied to the Senate - and he was under oath at the time.

It’s a regional thing - goes back to the differing mores of the separate colonies.

No need to forward. If you own a domain, you have control of the MX records (where email to your domain gets sent)