Wait’ll Larry Nasser gets hold of him.
Wait’ll Larry Nasser gets hold of him.
I think the apathy comes from the fact that we don’t have much information right now
Registered GOP voters are a lost cause. This is all about independent voters and Dems that couldn’t be assed to vote last time.
How about “they gave you pennies to give their wealthy friends thousands” as a line?
How about NP for non-pink? IMO, Biko was right.
Don’t forget that there was brutal repression in the south as well. Under Rhee, it was with the help of US troops. Not unlike some of the things that have happened in Latin America. I remember something about a massacre on a Korean island. Yeah, that was us.
OK, so it’s definitely in some parts of the US some of the time. Next time you see it, I’d suggest buying some just to have on hand for the next time your stomach is sub-par.
...then the big firms wouldn’t take him and/or he couldn’t afford them.
OK, fine - but build new housing where? The cities where housing is scarce are built out and land is scarce and because of that expensive. So build farther out from the center? If so, the cry had ought to be ‘build more exurb mass transit!’.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a suit that saturated color of blue - is he making a statement with it?
Um, hello? Most people receiving some kind of assistance are either already working (but minimum wage is unsustainable) or can’t work for some other reason (illness, caring for sick parent, etc.)
I’d be amazed if you had to. I use custom heatsinks, use Arctic Silver when I build. But I monitor temps, and have 6 year old builds that maintain the same temps as when new. So the paste is fine.
Same here, but I stick to more like 90. Any filter gets removed and blown out in opposite the direction that air would flow when PC is running, and I protect my fans from spinning when I do this.
the sense of the sacred quality of the land and rice.”
I’ve got a trip planned to Abq and Santa Fe. I have neighbors who retired to Santa Fe, and we’re going to visit. I’m a photographer, so the light is a primary attraction. If anything, I’m secular to the point of being anti-spiritual, laugh at the whole ‘crystal’ thing.
(or what passes for the center in America anyway)
A Web UI is beyond terrible for clearing out a lot of messages. For cleaning up now, I’d suggest getting an IMAP based email client. I use Postbox and Outlook. Both work; I like Postbox better. For both, it’s pretty easy to search, select all, delete.
But it wasn’t Mueller who did this - he referred it to the local Fed DA. Wouldn’t that indicate that it has nothing to do with Russia and collusion? Yes, Cohen possibly broke the law, but it’s unclear how this implicates Trump. What am I missing here?
But... this wasn’t Mueller, or his team. Did we all miss the ‘referral’ part? That means that he saw something that wasn’t in his mandate, passed the info on to the local Feds. They were the ones who decided that they had to go in like this (normal procedure with a lawyer is to just ask for the documents first)
Came here to see if he came clean about the point of a huge deficit being that the Congress was ‘forced’ into trimming things like the VA, medicare, medicaid, social security. Looks like he didn’t. Pretty sure I saw a clip of Ryan saying ‘we’ll get to entitlements right after we pass the tax bill...”.