
The 4 pack of AAAs is now $9.49

The 4 pack of AAAs is now $9.49

It seems fairly simple. Ban semi-automatic weapons with more magazine capacity than 2. Yes, 2. Not single-shot - sometimes a deer hunter needs a second shot, and a second shotgun barrel’s important for skeet ‘doubles, but only two shots (3 if you’ve got one ‘up the spout’). That’s plenty to kill a lot of stuff

I’d like a bumper sticker that had this wording, but looked just like the (made in China) stickers l’orange’s campaign gave out.

FWIW, if your router has external antennas, coverage doesn’t go out in a sphere but more of a cylinder with the antenna at the axis. You might be able to tilt an antenna to get more 2nd floor coverage.

I wondered about the difference between GH and GH mini. Found info at Tom’s Guide. There’s also an (upcoming?) GH Max.

Mostly no, but the upside of him winning is that if he’s still in office in 2018 the GOPers are going to be easily portrayed as Greasy Old Pedophiles. And if they decide to expel him, that takes a 2/3 vote (which the Dems may or may not do anything to make happen quickly) they are going to spend the next good long

She would make a good pres, wouldn’t she?

If you’ve got a chimney, often there’ll be a route somewhere near there.

No love for Portal? Dead-easy for a non-techie to setup - you install an app on your smartphone, then setup over bluetooth. Mesh2.o.

...if phone lines run directly to a central punch-down block.

There is a cheaper solution than mesh: DD-WRT. Once you flash a wireless router with this, one option is “wireless bridge”. You lose half your max potential bandwidth, though - but only when connected to the bridge.

I was trying to do the Powerline thing at my house and couldn’t get it to work in my bedroom, reading the description it said “it must be on the ‘same circuit’ which is generally worthless if this is the case. Has anyone else heard that before?

So far as we know. It seems somebody at Giz sleuthed out Comey’s account.

...this is why I love Galaxy Quest.

OK, so Russian bots. Does anyone NOT think they are still there and still looking to amplify wedge issues?

“14 years old” is right in the story - how does that fit with ‘consent’?

You could change your light source. for reading on a PC/phone/tablet, I use light colored text on a black background, which really reduces the amount of light I’m blasting my eyes with. I alternate colors, find green font on black more comfortable, but maybe that’s because of my long history of reading on monitors

After 9/11 there was a push to make America the Beautiful the anthem. Wish it had happened,

Into SciFi? Kind of a networking nerd? Black characters? Check out Vernor Vinge’s A Fire Upon the Deep. It’s a world where color doesn’t matter, but, eventually, you find the main character can spend more time in the sun because, well... So not only does race not matter in that far future - but we’re all black.

Non parent here - but I’m a photographer and so carry a fairly heavy load, just no risk of diaper blowout :-)