
Check out Business Calendar Pro. Not only a better-than-stock calendar app, but comes with a full set of customizable widgets. You can pick how many columns, how many rows, and what goes there. I don’t need a ‘Hey! go to this next.” widget, but it can do it - and make it look however you want.

I’m a retired software architect. It most definitely a software industry thing. I recently tossed a box full of different ones (some from projects I was a member of, more from projects I ‘parachuted’ into as a ‘fireman’, even more from... hmm... not really sure.)

Exactly! It was the Rethuglicans who tried so hard (and mostly succeeded) in getting people to think about the ACA as ‘Obamacare’.

It is a tainted source... I’m unwilling to believe the absolute veracity of anything there, now that it’s clear how it’s controlled and their obvious desire to sow as much chaos as possible in the US (or any of their other opponents)

I’m in the US, have only a few hours driving Holden cars - and feel the same way..

I don’t think they ever made a LHD car. Major pity as I’d have bought one...

I got a chance to drive a ‘16 (or 15?) Holden Commodore V8. the last time I was in NZ. It was an absolute blast - and I wasn’t trying to push it. There’s just something about a V8 rumble plus RWD. I super-suck at shifting with my right hand.

There’s an okra dish made in the Middle East (I’ve had it in the Levant, it’s probably more widespread). Okra, tomatoes, onions. Not at all slimy, just thick and hearty. Anybody else had it? Know what it’s called? My Arabic is beyond bad - and it’s probably called something else here.

Speaking of thickening soup, if you put corn starch in your chowder it’ll be nasty. If it isn’t thick enough for you, take some potatoes out, puree them, then put back in.

I’ve been there. Breathtakingly beautiful, but a very hard life for the locals.

Solar weather (which changes) has a lot to do with when / at how low a latitude you’ll see an aurora. There was some amazing solar weather in 1859, which I hope to never see - even though it’d be auroras every night for everyone.

I suspect a real solution won’t be nearly that simple. They don’t need to be within the US borders to do damage - and there are plenty of ways that Russians can do online business in the US without transferring funds directly from there to here.

What an amazingly bigoted comment.

They’re big enough to push the button on his desk - that gets the butler to bring him a coke. And he’s complaining about people in PR not working hard enough.

They really aren’t that hard to master, don’t know why they’re being treated as some kind of culinary unicorn.

I never boil my eggs; I steam them. 14 min for a perfect hard cook, about half of that for soft.

Very interesting! I see references to soldiers shoes in the American Revolution being “slip fit”; pretty sure they were referencing something like this.

There’s still an Android GVvoice app. I tried Hangouts, didn’t like it. I love the GVoice service, though, particularly the way voice messages get turned into texts/email. I’ve got something similar working on my home PBX (Asterisk/PIAF) but the speech-to-text is not nearly as good.

Totally agree. If they fly somewhere I need to go, and their schedule at least approximates when I need to go, that’s the airline I pick. The last few times, they’ve been more expensive than the low-price competition, but I’m fine with that.