Bob Internet

'Authentic' like Zach Woods' character being trapped in a driverless car, locked in a shipping container and then sent to an island staffed entirely by robots? I'm not sure verisimilitude is exactly the watchword of this show.

Dang, an entire internet? I've been sitting here using the regular porn-less internet like a putz.

It's omission is a real upper decker as far as that list goes.

I don't even understand how a movie w/ scams and drugs and fake dongs and naked Margot Robbie and McConaughey doing that chest thing could be so boring. But boy did Marty pull it off. Just glib and irritating.

"Ain't none of y'all old enough to go to the damn club!"

I would watch a whole show about the European Guy. Even if it went for like one half hour or two half hour.

Jarecki and co have been a little fast and loose with the timeline of events but they do have the son on film defending Durst. I suppose it's possible he was foxing for the cameras, but I don't know why he would. Whenever that was filmed, it was certainly well after Galveston - and presumably, well after Durst fell

You've got some weird-ass taste in media, friend.

Ah, right on. Personally, I'm holding out hope that it's just Carol in that car and that she is the intervening force. Given the nominal premise of the show, I'm not really stoked on how quickly they're introducing characters.

Maybe not according to the preview, but fifty years of sitcom formula says he will.

There's no way he totally trusts Ava but that latter option seems a little dark a fate given how sympathetically she's been painted this season (i.e. as the pawn caught in the middle of Raylan and Boyd's dick measuring contest, if you'll excuse the mixed metaphor).

Didn't Elizabeth mention to Phillip that the troublemaker the South African operative had identified seemed to have a thing for redheads?

Next time on The Americans: "Y'know Paige, your father and I aren't as square as you think - in fact, your dad is probably growling out a 15 year old as we speak."

I wonder is that opportunistic streak in the books? Or is that the show's / Esparza's invention?

The important thing is that you feel above it.

Jere Burns' name was like third in the opening credits - that augurs well for lots of Duffy this season.

Argh, I'm cringing just remembering.

So you're saying that this is high quality rock and roll, uh, music?

Yeah, scalpers can fuck right off.

Good on you for having good taste in music but I live in Australia and will probably have to wait until next summer's festival circuit to see them, i.e. about a year from now. So go fuck yourselves.