Bob Internet

The ten minute stipulation in the Zayn/Strowman match seems like they're trying to have it both ways. Strowman will monster him but probably won't actually beat him. Braun looks strong, Sami gets his "I didn't hear no bell" moment and we're more or less back where we started.

Great podcast.


They're a couple of Lin-Manuel Carrie Bradshaws.

What if Depp just starts bankrolling Tony Windsor out of spite?

Mmmm magic.

You know what I got for Christmas this year? Oh, it was a banner year at the ol' Reigns family. I got a spear. The old man grabbed me and said, "AWOOOORGH!"

Like when a parent forces a kid who was caught smoking to smoke the entire pack, Gabriel is going to make Philip physically devour Martha as punishment for revealing his identity to her.

To be fair, they only had like five different establishing shots of the Shi Tpa Town sign. An easy enough mistake to make.

We Stand On Guard

Because BKV has two creator-owned books on the go at Image?

Gotta be 'Fight' from season two.

I hope there's more Healy childhood flashbacks in future seasons - because the two (?) so far have been weird as fuck.

That would track then, since Lorna's suppoosed to be from Boston (… ). It's likely not an ad lib because even though Stone's Jewish the expression isn't really used in Australia.

I don't have particularly strong feelings either way about BMX. Radio's a good song though.

A snarky person might point out that your opinion of them seems to be based on just about everything except their music.

I think he rubs people the wrong way w/ his need to share the writing credit on just about every fucking episode of MM. Obviously doing your own pass on a script comes w/ the job of being a showrunner - but most tend to just take it as a given and don't need their name in there.

Again, haven't seen it, but even though it's set a few years later the film is about the fallout for Crowe's character's family from the Gallipoli campaign which happened contemporaneously with the killing of lots of Armenians.

Haven't seen the film but the beef, if I understand it correctly, is that it ignores the genocide in a pretty insensitive way - not that it tries to suggest it didn't happen.

I'm not a fan of invocations to god in national anthems but I'd still trade Advance Australia Fair for yours any day of the week.