Bob Internet

I didn't dislike it, but I would've voted for the Christmas special or the Ian McKellen episode.

Man, fuck that episode. It's mere existence pisses all over the legacy of what is more or less a perfect half-hour of television.

I also saw Birdman today. I think it functions well as far as serving the mood/feel of the film but at the same time I did find it distracting - I found myself looking for where the cuts would be (besides the obvious ones - like going from indoors to outdoors, etc.) There's a chance, though, that this says more about

I'mma go ahead and disagree with you on that one.

In this post-Morissettean world it's hard to know, but is it ironic that you would make such an inside baseball reference in a comment about cricket?

How extensive is the press (if you can call it that) he's doing for this? Has any interviewer asked Tommy if he's heard Serial?

Is The Water Diviner properly good? Because the trailer makes it look like weak ass Oscar bait.

I've been trying to get a romantic comedy about Lang Hancock and Dennis Lillee fighting to the death made for years but you know how hard it is to get features funded in this country.

It's an aggressively mediocre film and I'm not really interested in defending it but I reckon some of the blame for that one probably belongs at the feet of the source text.

I'm not even sure why Aaron Paul was in this at all. There's nothing in the part that couldn't have been done by an actor with a much cheaper quote.

Not sure if yr making fun of me or if you just have low standards.

You'd think a natural cynic would've read Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Does anyone know RTJ's stance on fuckboys? They've been awfully quiet on the issue and I would love some clarification.

Figuring out, for instance, what is a Street Fighter?

So is he still a wanker?

Another (less serious) Great Job, Internet! pertaining to Serial:

What's that maxim about how the comments under an article about feminism justify feminism?

I dunno what to make of this. With the cast they've got, there's potentially a really good show in here but, boy, that was an awfully formulaic half hour of television. Hope it eventually finds its groove.

I'd say it's less weird than giving grades to individual episodes of serialised TV shows.