Bob Hope's Sex Machine

Yes. Now if only we could ensure that police keep their body came rolling without exception. I don’t care if they’re taking a leak, eating lunch, or jerking off while on duty—if you’re on the clock, the camera’s recording. (The court can appoint a special master to edit out unnecessary footage, like an officer taking

This shit-filled uniform put his hands on and assaulted a grown woman who was following the law 100%.

A victory for body cameras


Jesus, college-educated, wealthy people went for Trump for the most part; the ‘poor’ people voted Democratic in the last election. At least the ones who weren’t disenfranchised. The ‘poor’ (assuming you’ve got some kind of reasonable demographic definition) are disproportionately people of color in the United States —

You put this in the wrong place, bruh.

I look forward to Hamilton Nolan’s weekly “this why the Democrats suck” post, where he blathers on about evil Centrist, how Bernie was able to be successful (despite the fact that he lost), and advocate for single payer healthcare and literally nothing else, while more or less avoiding to mention “appealing to people

You should give a seminar over at splinter. They still think he’s the second coming.

Democratic women need to give tue middle finger to the “let’s not offend the racists” contingent of their party and keep pushing forward. Elizabeth Warren and Maxine Waters are a little old but Kamala Harris could bring the party back to where it was in 2008. And Bernie can go to blazes. Don’t care how many butt-hurt

Because the less thirsty ones only start talking about it when they really start to show and by then there are only a couple of months to go.

also, it yesterday’s news.

When shit hits the fan and he finally falls, I hope it’s just so deeply humiliating, so totally devastating to his ego and his psyche, that he never recovers. I don’t want us to hate him, I want us to forget him. I want us to erase him. That would be the best and most fitting punishment for inflicting himself on the

And Exxon makes them look like charity organizations.

“In fact, they’re legally prevented from it, if doing so would be contrary to their fiduciary duty to shareholders.”

In fact, they’re legally prevented from it, if doing so would be contrary to their fiduciary duty to shareholders. That’s why corporations shouldn’t be allowed to become unregulated monopolies. The public interest part has to come from outside.

Yeah, the Fiendish Five (Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon) definitely don’t have the public interest at heart.

Google is a very dark company.

I wish they would say running. All the celebrity quotes I've seen, including I think one yesterday from Mila Kunis, only credit breastfeeding. None of them cop to starvation and exercise.

To have stitches in it, at that age...bad. Very bad.

Getting circumcised at 15 seems like exactly the worst thing to do.