or a gun.
or a gun.
Did you complain about when it happened? Did this writer? If not, then don’t complain about this. I agree with you that prior bad acts don’t condone current bad acts but don’t act like this is something new that has never happened before and feign outrage. If you or the writer complained about the example I provided,…
Yup. Stuff like this never happened before Trump.
J.D. Salinger’s My Little Phony
There is a woman in the offices who can barely walk in huge heels, she kind of hobbles around. I think that she thinks it’s sexy, but really we are all wondering when she may fall down.
We can start by acknowledging the elephant in the room - most of the egregious defilers of dress-code normalcy are women.
Then you go to your supervisor’s manager, and if they still don’t give a fuck then you suck it up and accept you are not the boss and you are hired to run the business the way the boss wants it run not the way you think it should be. If you don’t like it, then start shopping that resume around elsewhere. However,…
Because he expected permission, not a denial. He asked, so ya gotta say yes. That is how too many kids are taught these days. Plus he wanted to be an edgelord rebel.
*eyeroll* You took a question about how to handle a co-worker that dresses inappropriately, and turned it into some kind of anti-sexists rant.
“For whatever reason, men think they have the authority to tell women how to dress in the workplace, and they don’t.”