
Worst self-defense advice I ever heard, I was viewing some guys martial arts technique channel, and he tells women that to turn off their rapist they should do something really unsexy, like soil themselves, or pass gas, belch and other type of things. Number one, I hate that guy, number two- rape isn’t about romance.

The “Everything happens for a reason” is antithesis of Christianity. Seriously, it really is. The Earth is “cursed” - since the fall of man (Adam, Eve, the apple etc) and nothing happens correctly, or properly, since then. No thing is perfect except in Heaven. Hence, the Earth, and all it’s happenings is imperfect.

Wowee- AVClub has TANKED since the changeover. Oh well! I knew it was going to happen. I got real bored with the whole “president Trump is Hitler” ad nauseam, in every article and joke- the Amazon ads, the corporate... everything. The only thing keeping AVClub alive at all is Ignatiy.

I think he was, and just stunned. I mean, what could he possibly do in a situation like that? I was one of the “Bush is evil!” people then, but now that I look back on it, I was just repeating what everyone else was saying. I don’t think I had an original thought in my head back then.

Speaking of using nouns as verbs, I read an accomplished (as in, paid) writer(? ok, journalist person) use this: “adulting”. She then defended herself to me by having to google (yep) that “ing” is a “present participle”. And I sit here, jobless...

lololol- indeed a mystery of our times. My husband used to work in one of those very corporate (read: pc) environments in the cable provider field, and his coworker was (and still is, I assume) a trans male. Trans dress, not trans-surgical. He wore garments that would get any biological female sent home: way too short

I am in Arizona- I was a bit self-righteous and miffed about all the adult men wearing shorts myself, but where it’s 120F in the summer... but it can be a slippery slope when it comes to “proper attire”.

What?? Come on, people! As a woman, if I were told my “blouse is too tight” in the office I’d be mortified- and never wear tight blouses again. We have dress codes for a reason- and if it distracts coworkers, sexually or otherwise, it need be addressed. I don’t care if it’s “their issue” or not, it still remains *an

Well, yeah! Feeling uncomfortable if a man pointed that out goes without saying! I mean, I think so.

flip flops... at work?? I think flip flops are inappropriate anywhere outside of the beach- and I mean the cheap foam ones you speak of. I can’t imagine ever thinking flip flops (I grew up with them being called ‘thongs’, and still refer to them as such, old habits...) are all right to wear to any work place setting.

I have lived through three, yes three hurricanes. Biggest one I recall is Rita. I had my gas tank filled, plenty of food, and phone service. I had electricity, and the city around me was dark. Since I had power, I was the neighborhood phone charging person. Houston is very accommodating, a very casual and friendly

wha.. whaaat?? Several motorists risked their lives to speed up to get beside the driver, several times alerting him and the driver did nothing. You know, it really really annoys me when people comment, wrongly, to an article they clearly never read.

How many of the perps were Chinese nationals? They are taught that all things are “community property”. There is no boundary when it comes to privately owned things.

Oh PLEASE. Leave black women alone. They can do what they want. If black women were into little baby games like Pokemon, then Pokemon people would advertise for black women more. They (black women) just aren’t interested in it and probably have BETTER THINGS TO DO. Black women are not animals, they are not helpless,

What an awesome restaurant! That is so cool. Create a smokescreen so the other server can speak discreetly with the card holder. Great idea.