Bob Funch

Great visual in the screenshot above with Omega and the Batch. She’s all blonde, purple, and glowing, while the others are in their black, white, and greys; she’s the hearth they’re gathered around. Good job with Omega’s wet hair too. It was a little blocky in keeping with the animation style, but communicated weight.

Ok, well, as a slideshow starting point, I guess ...

I’ve bought into so much over the course of the entire franchise that I’m not really bothered one way or the other how they explain it. If there were a million clones and 20-some had the right kind of head-trauma to break their inhibitor chips, then I'm fine with those numbers. I'd be fine with more even. 

Dont post shit when you've been drinking or when you're stoned! Shit you think is funny or wise at 2am is neither in the hungover light of the next day. 

Crosshair had his My Lai Massacre back in episode 2 so ... maybe the show filled its quota for the season.

Now playing

Are they implying here that Order 66 and the inhibitor chips wear off over time? Or perhaps just the naturalness of livin-life post Order 66 causes the clones to revert back to the path of individual uniqueness and personality growth.

Greene and Gaetz are coke buddies. You could pick a random hour on the workday clock, call the police, and there’s a better than average chance one of them is holding & they both would test positive.

After a year off from movies, a 36oz soda and large popcorn sound a little daunting too. My sugar-junkie brain was like: “Do you really want to get back into this, man? You’re going to fall off the WA-AG-on.”

Spider senses tingling!

There’s a think piece in there somewhere. You could argue WandaVision fits this too. For contempo women-centric stories you either have to count Hawkeye centering around the main character mentoring/tussling with 2 to 4 female assassins, or more likely Ms Marvel as the first one to fit the mold. (Then She-Hulk next

Seems like a little of column A and a little of column B with this one. I’d rate Black Widow and Captain Marvel as just about equal. BW maybe even a little higher. But you HAD to see Captain Marvel in the run up to Endgame.

Legends wasn’t on last night, was it?

Tuca and Bertie was funny again. “Piggyback now!”

Heck, add a Zari 3.0.

That’ll do.

^ Obvs I rank Laputa: Castle in the Sky at the top of my Miyazaki list. I’ve watched most of the Ghibli’s plenty of times. Kiki’s deal is she gets to encounter various women in different stages of growth and maturity: the old ladies (with the fish casserole); the 20-something funky artist; Kiki’s boss - the very

Roland Durand sure is a handsome devil. Or was. Actually, he still is ... even after becoming less symmetrical. This episode seemed like it was an introduction for his character nothing more & nothing less. He’s got a nice film noir sounding name. Can’t argue with the grade. This might go up in future estimation if

That was alright. I linked to the “Goodbye Vibe” article above and Carlos gave a nice shout-out to the crew that films the show week-in and week-out. I think that (in keeping an optimistic outlook) at least the show has seeded themselves a clutch of 5 or 6 one-off episodes for next season what with a return visit from

This reminded me it’s almost time for Gideon’s live actress check-in. Whoop whoop!