Bob Funch

To the original naysayers: I got a real indication… of a laugh coming on. HA ha!

Also great about the Sandor, (I can't call him The Hound anymore, like Reek was for a time - he's a different person now.) Baric, and Thoros scene is how great their voices are; so very British and baritone. Try closing your eyes and just listening to those three guys talk to one another. 'Like three giant cats

My assumption with Candie, Sandie, and Mandie is that they're zoned out from the hypnotic electricity coming from the video monitors.

I'm hoping Diane is working a solo angle to try and defeat Evil Cooper.

I wondered if maybe because Gordon had a vision of LP when he opened the door the first time, and Tammy showed up at the door the second time, that somehow Laura's spirit was hooked into Tammy. Probably not the case… but this show makes you think along those lines.

Was the Hound's vision in the fire a one-off, or did he just discover his super-power?

A.V. should put up an episode page for Twin Peaks as well. Tonight's ep was hilarious. With all the GoT festing going on, I bet they won't get to Twin Peaks til tomorrow.

Yes. This. So glad for the Arya campfire scene and the Sandor sequence in the cabin. Those were the best scenes of the episode.

Heaving guts on a scale actually seems like it would be the highlight of his day.

"Just remember to always think twice."
(to think twice)

Maybe since world wide released versions of the film will be dubbed, Luc doesn't really care who his actors are, just as long as they're gorgeous.

If he cribs his policy from Al Jourgensen and Warren Zevon there might be something there.

Hmm, well in fairness I'll go back and rewatch that scene where he eats the burrito. The proof is in the pudding right there.

*If Tormund scores with her.

Amend the Clegane Bowl stats to include "Tie" as in "They Simultaneously Kill Each Other."

They have a face-melting version of "In Memory of Jojen Reed" that runs 17 minutes long! But it totally shreds!

Look to Littlefinger to clean house in the Vale. Time to visit that corpse pile beneath the Moon Door. Lord Royce is my bet for at least Ep1 or Ep2. Maybe Robyn. Maybe the whole Vale small council.

Would have been nice to see Rhea Seehorn get in there too.

My theory is that voters mostly missed/skipped the first season and couldn't care to catch up on Two and Three.

Michael McKean should have got the nod over Jonathan Banks. But I could see why, in interviews anyway, Banks is more loveably grouchy whereas McKean is kinda "Method" and stand-off-ish.