Bob Funch

Before the reveal I kept thinking, "Oh God, it's going to be Will Ferrell. We're going to have to deal with a mini-Will Ferrell-arc. Buckle up!" Thankfully, I was wrong.

He's going to warp over to Earth 3 where the Trump Presidency is going swimmingly; saturated with jack-booted gin blossom strip-clubbery.

If glee equals savage demonic blood-fang ecstasy.

If Cersei is pregs couldn't the prophecy still work if she dies in child birth? (Replaced by someone younger & prettier, etc).

Paramount cleaned up with the insurance money.

That screen shot caption should read: "We are now happily employed for the next 18 months."

I was wondering lately if Genesis would tolerate being inside Cassidy.

Thanks for the reply. I was thinking too, that both shows stem from 2 dimensional characterization so their creators could argue, "Hey, it's just a cartoon/comic book. Comic book death is par for the course." But, on the other hand, both showrunners are too talented for that take. A two dimensional origin longs for

This is the way I think things will go, if it's not underway already. Just because LF can sow chaos and find his way out, doesn't make him necessarily a super genius.

They could go years with an Arya spin-off, making co-stars of her "faces." Walder Frey could make multiple appearances. Blonde Walder Frey … Eye-Patch Walder Frey … Red Head Servant Girl … Eye-Patch Servant Girl …


I love both shows, but I did wonder tonight which show kills the most people casually, Preacher or Rick and Morty?

I'm just overjoyed that Andy got pulled into the action. I keep wondering how much of what we're seeing was originally plotted out to be the third season - before cancellation & before FWWM. An original third season could have contained much of the next dimension stuff, doppelganger, flashback to the A-bomb, and even

Jon probably will be ambivalent upon learning he's the rightful heir, but the news will devastate Dany.

Shit, you know what's gonna happen if one of those dudes dies up there. Bets on who the Walker will be that they "capture."

Pirated internet content aficionados and Curb fans seem like a pretty small cross section of humanity. Like maybe 38 guys.

Love the Prestige. It was my #1 movie the year it came out.

Speaking of 1997, I watched Gattica for the first time on Movie Plex. Pretty good. This was Pre-Ethan Hawke Poetry/Mr Uma Thurman Era— or the start of said Era. So it was good to see him slightly before his ego blew up. Great cast. Alan Arkin!

I almost, ALMOST mind you, wish Paul Ryan would grow a pair and put in motion the sacking of both Trump and Pence. He'd take the presidency … and he could have his shot at an Ayn Rand style Utopia. It would be a ballsy move. He'd see his experiment fail… but I'd prefer this track to the one we're on.

Cyborg's spin-off movie should be Teen Titans. … Something like Teen Titans' last mission before they go their separate ways.