Bob Funch

Paris isn't Paris anymore.

I'm going to fix that, Jim.

That would make "Paris" the nickname for his wife's cooter.

Trump invites everyone on Air Force One into the back most room. Then he slips out, locking the door. After four hours he starts talking through the door latch:

Ben takes a pen, scribbles out "The Batman" on the screenplay cover. Writes in "The Accountant 2."

Nice. But to be truly symbolic of Dexter, the kid should have snorted a massive line of coke before getting on the treadmill.

He'll get out the words: "How's Annie?"

I'm trying to remain totally pre-season spoiler-free, to the point of not watching the latest previews. I do enjoy guessing where things are going. I didn't need to hear about Ellaria and Yara hooking up, but it makes sense.
Everyone is teasing some wedge that Littlefinger is supposedly going put between Sansa and

Exactly. Though frequently tone deaf, the thing with Brooks is you can see the wheels turning in his head and you can see the poor sap coming to the slow realization that the direction of his life has been all wrong.

Me three, as a kid I loved heist movies. The shop vac/money ball concept was great. The original Going in Style… The North Avenue Irregulars! Let's Do It Again… all figured prominently in my young movie watching life.


I regard the band sets as chapter-breaks. If TP S3 were a novel, each chapter would end with a song. When NIN played in the middle of the episode two weeks ago, it signaled a break and then we went into the black and white flashback.

I regard the band sets as chapter-breaks. If TP S3 were a novel, each chapter would end with a song. When NIN played in the middle of the episode two weeks ago, it signaled a break and then we went into the black and white flashback.

My guess is their lawyers have been encouraging them to behave like the Trump Family has always behaved when fighting litigation: act stupid, muddy the waters, and throw out misinformation. The problem here (or the gift, depending on how you roll) is that it's all in the small minded effort to convince a jury of

Funny that Trump Sr also claims the Russians donated money to the DNC and supported Ms Clinton's campaign, and HIS claims are likewise vague, ambiguous, and make no sense.

I think in a way it's like Halloween 3, in that it's derided for trying to add an element of anthology to an established universe. Could Twin Peaks have survived as a north woods Twilight Zone with tangential characters having unrelated or barely-related spooky stories of their own? Apparently not, as the hate for

Oh, I thought this episode was fine. The plot is so byzantine that I appreciate a refresher from time to time. I am not, after all, taking notes while I watch this show.

The ironic thing is: Bill tweeting while stoned is nearly the same as Trump tweeting when coming out of one of his "fever dreams."

Plus, in the event Edgar Wright would have used the Knives ending, he had to have the emotional background laid in. So, basically the cut of the movie we got had both the emotional ground work for Scott & Ramona in addition to the ground work for Scott & Knives. He may have ultimately edited out some of the framework