Bob Funch

Maybe it's already been mentioned, but the framing in the darkroom also brought to mind Soviet propaganda posters; upturned faces, black and red color scheme.

He could have an affair with Piper!

Coulson's reply to where he's been and what he's been doing these last 5 years would be typically in keeping with his character: He'd either blurt it all out in a giant hyphenated comma free sentence, or more likely he would just shrug and say, "Oh you know… stuff."

Same size as Agent Carter … with all that implies, I guess.

The response to first love heartbreak is indeed chugging straight vodka, caressing the bare chest of a big Slavic guy, mounting him, and then bashing his brains in. It's cathartic.

Oh man, with the shit that went down yesterday and today, here comes The Daily Show Reunion on Stephan Colbert tonight. Here we go.

Odds of Rudy Giuliani appointed new director of the FBI just shot up to 60/40.

He faked it til he maked it.

Free meals at Chicken Brothers!

Or more simply, Del Toro wants to finish off in a trilogy done his way, while Mignola envisions something like 5 more movies.

Yeah, sort of the quintessential prosecutor and the quintessential defence lawyer.

After reading the interview with Michael McKean in HW and thinking about the episode I suspect the show might be going in a more emotionally motivated direction. All season and last year I assumed (as did everyone, I think) that Jimmy would become Saul by being legally forced into it by Chuck. But now I could see a

The impression over the years I got was that Mignola does not get along with Del Toro.

Everything's coming up Sackheim!

I'm glad this show is on Mondays. If it was on Sunday or Tuesday, my head would explode.

We're in the Platinum Era of television.

I'm thinking Dan is slipping his CBS co-host some pot brownies.

Being bordered on two sides by giant cold water lakes doesn't help.

"I can't just twinkle on command like a fucking robot, God damnit!! I'll be in my fucking trailer."

This would be a good time for a "Spartacus" moment. Imagine if Conan came out and said, "Last week my fellow late night talk show host, Stephan Colbert, got in trouble with the FCC for calling President Trump a quote 'Cock holster for Vladimir Putin.' Implying of course that Trump likes having Putin's penis in his