Bob Funch

I honestly think that there must be a percentage of powerful and wealthy Republicans who look around and actually believe that Trickle Down Economics works and it works well. Maybe when all your food comes ready prepared and served to you by smiling waitstaff, you are driven and flown anywhere and everywhere in

It's either Bachman is secretly the father or it's Big Head.

Like everyone this may be reading too much into it, but suppose the old guy at the bus stop was in on it too. If Nora leaves the baby… or hands the baby off to the old guy, it would demonstrate that she indeed has faith that everything will turn out OK for the baby. If she misses the bus and keeps tending to the

They did have an "angel on one shoulder, devil on the other" vibe.

I have to record Veep and Silicone Valley and wait a couple hours to watch. The whiplash is too extreme. The heaviness of the Leftovers kills the sitcom jokes of the later shows. Maybe it's a life of "Must See" conditioning; a night of TV viewing should start light with the 4 half hour comedies getting

"It's a spoonful of sugar or my fucking fist!"

That's funny. I got a Sondheim vibe too. I thought maybe they were going for a "Company" parody, which would be Obscure to say the least. Couple that with punching through the window and for a second there I thought this sketch was like "next level weird." Also funny was when they handed off the synthesizer and later

Here's way down in the weeds for the opening skit: I've been waiting for a send up of Morning Joe for awhile now, this was half way there. In reality Joe is a giant blowhard and Mika is subtler, here it was flipped with McKinnon's very good impression of Mika using all the oxygen while Moffat's ok Joe felt

"A strong, educated woman should be able to grasp the consequence of excessive growth in bank credit due to artificially low interest rates as easily as she can grasp mulatto cock."

Have a little leftover outrage now for a snack, then later we'll have a big hot fresh outrage followed by a nap.

Nicely worded.

Excellent point. Narratively they don't use flashbacks. … so far anyway.

Simple, do a time jump between 8 & 9 of like 10 years, and explain in 9's opening crawl that master Jedi siblings Luke and Leia began evolving into Yoda-style creatures on their journey to living a full long life with an expected lifespan of 900 years. When the film begins have both Luke and Leia played by Natalie

She has an antagonistic relationship with technology that seems to border on the supernatural.

Godzilla and King Kong do the Hokey Pokey and they turn themselves around: (clap) That's what it's all about.

I kind of suspect originally they wanted Julian as the big bad, but a third of the way through the season they decided they kinda liked Tom Felton. (He's surprisingly good on this show, actually. And I hate to say that he's grown on me. Fungus-like, perhaps.) So, unless he sacrifices his life at the end of the

Two things I'm suspicious of:

If the showrunners need an excuse for Martha's music choice, they could claim she's listening to help her learn the Russian language. I guess you could say that about any station on the dial, however. It would be interesting to know how fast Soviet era radio adapted 60's, 70's, & 80's pop music and gave it their own

Okay, 3rd revision:

Earlier I posted: