Bob Funch

Pact comes with the hat.

I set the DVR a month ago to record all episodes of Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell. I saved them all for tonight. Just watched all 15 of them.
Then Lady Snowblood and Lady Snowblood 2. Both played on TCM overnight. It was my first time seeing both of those. Now I get all the Kill Bill references. Lady must have

I clicked the link. And then I stayed for the @midnight debate. Adomian's Bernie is a touch showier, but they're both funny. The live show with just the two of them looks great.

This next one will be Goldblum's third. He's right there behind the T-Rex.

Jurassic Park 2 and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull probably are the two that went from the highest of expectations to the bottom of "meh." That's a long way down. It's worse when you don't see it coming.
Hardcore Henry, I knew was probably going to be bad. But when it turned out to be actually painful and headache

Bill Cosby!! I hate the fucker now. I even started hating him around the time Leonard Part 6 came out and Eddie Murphy (channeling Richard Pryor) told him to "Have a Coke and a Smile and Shut the Fuck Up." Also his late 80's stand up sent mixed messages: 'So actually you hate kids, and your wife is a tyrannical

All of Turnstiles is great.

He's more of an "I Live" rather than a "They Live," …
or a "We Live" for that matter (from his perspective).

"That's a Blow Job, honey. BLOW… 'B' with a capital B — Bee-low job. Not a faux-job. It's spelled out in the pre-nup! Read the contract!!"

Lots of models under glass of his properties and buildings world wide, his favorite tweets carved in marble, and a central chamber containing a naked life-model cast of his daughter Ivanka… unintentionally stained with orange spray-tan hand prints.

Afraid to up-vote because it will someday get me sent to a gulag, but up-voted anyway.

Ironically, Better Call Saul has slowed down as well. Americans looks like it's going to blow up Tuan's plot next week. So, here's hoping we get a 15 or 16 episode tear through to the end.

All the overhead shots… Elizabeth and Paige framed by that dead tree in the last shot… Foreboding signs all over the place.

But if the Air Force guy piles on … ?

I tend to think of Doggo as a subset of Harambish.

The scene where he famously filibusters the Senate for 24 hours by just saying variations of the word "Brains!" over and over again works as both grotesque body-horror and social commentary.

True, true. Those last couple scenes near the series' end with Michael Shannon and Stephen Graham were fantastic.

Shea Whigham deserves an honorary degree from the Sean Bean school of getting killed in just about everything he's in. As soon as he showed up I started wondering how long before and in what bizarre way his character is going to die.

Since the tiniest of details come back to bite people in the ass on this show, I wonder if Jimmy could get Howard as a witness tossed out because Howard had to trespass across other people's property in order to enter Chuck's place.

Funny thing too: Ike Perlmutter donated a million $ to the Trump campaign. AoS could get canned out of shear spite.