Bob Funch

The Shyamalanaverse?

Agent Mack-n'-friends

Fitz on Fitz on Fitz.

It's no Tronc.

They riffed on Jaws' mayor Murray Hamilton's 70's sport coat for an entire episode. It was funny.

Bob's Big Boy has a crush on her, but she won't give him the time of day. Secretly though…

I've got my fingers crossed that Senator Nadeer's brother, Vijay turns into FFF after getting dumped in the ocean. It would mess with the character's origin, but I'd love AoS to tackle a real monster story.

The reign of Squirrel Girl begins.

No, I don't think Nora gives two shits about Hell, I'll agree with you there. I was wondering what the show is going to throw at her, I suppose.

Also: What does Rev Matt's bloody nose portend?

Maybe I'm splitting hairs ( or heiresses! Ba-boom) but going "big" and chewing scenery don't necessarily equate to camp.

Never saw that, but I guess if you go back to "Francis" there's the same level of pathos.

Yeah, they showed the Aussie weather man joking on TV so you knew that was happening currently.

Plus it was kind of a call back to S2's Nora & Erica showdown, when Nora got on her high horse and Erica took her down a peg.

Yeah, that was a great show. I would never have recognized Weigert if she hadn't got the shout out in the reviews.

I vaguely remember when Perfect Strangers went off the air (it kind of crashed and burned - a few seasons rise, a few seasons on top of the pile, then it plummeted) there were some years when you didn't see either of the leads anywhere. Like their careers were done. Then Pinchot showed up in True Romance and a couple

I'd say Bette was comfortably in Susan Sarandon's wheelhouse, great though she was here. But after the camp roles in AHS, who knew Jessica Lange could totally disappear into character as Joan? Just wow.

Her character in Fargo can't be read by electric door openers. Crossover episode on the way?

Seemed like Erica was living in Austin, that's how it played for me, anyway. So glad they were tight friends, because of course they would be after all they've been through.

If her dad was single, this idea would be genius.