Bob Funch

This is basically a massive TV series. Or it will be in 2027… On TNT and Freeform marathon weekends.

If this is the same one they read on "Chapter-a-day" on NPR, then it's pretty good.

Get him outta there and bring back the talking dinosaurs!

Place your right hand over your heart, and raise your left hand making an operatic frozen claw before you as though holding aloft the bloody entrails of your defeated foe… Nancy Pelosi, for example.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. You're all beautiful people. Beautiful people here in PennSYLvania. Beautiful, wonderful people. Now, take out your MAGA hymnals and open to page 3. Page 3 folks. It's a little number called "Lock Her Up." I know it's a crowd favorite, so let's get it out of the way right off the

Joe Scarborough = Zapp Brannigan
Mika Brzezinski = Kif

The entire cast of Disney XD's Walk the Prank. I hate those kids. I hate the tired-as-fu#k concept of the show. The commercials and promos for the show are infuriating. In my imagination the entire cast and crew of that show are taken out with napalm.

I suspect that if the show hadn't been renewed, there would have been a different final 20 minute segment that still exists somewhere in an editing bay. Probably no time jump and a quick resolution to the fairy plotline.

Noah Hawley is gettin' a little too big for his britches… Time to take him down a peg or two.

Also the shot of the Stussy mansion at night began with those two "stars" that came out of the sky and moved forward only to be revealed as headlight lens flares.

I could see Nikki's counting as a way of knowing how long it takes for someone to get to her apartment in practice for a time when a threat is on its way up. She'd know how long she has to escape the cops or a (rival) predator.

The novelty has her promoting both "on the shows." She had the back half of a Charlie Rose last week. She has a jaw line that could crush a man's resolve.

Hot eastern European models with a Brazilian, yes.

All the characters grew this season except Kady, who regressed. And then Alice is … well … herself plus Nifalice combined. So she grew, just in an other-worldly way.

That was a great and icky urination montage.

The first half of the episode I couldn't help but be impressed by Eliot. Eliot!! If nothing else paid off this season, the maturation of Eliot did.

This quote ^ is the quote.

Now if we can just get Trey Gowdy to roller skate down a long flight of marble stairs while carrying a stack of custard cream pies and smack into Mitch McConnell, then today would be perfect.

String quartet in the balcony playing "the Rains of Castamere."

As long as Langella gets to clutch at his chest and die slowly with a 5 page monologue, I'm game.