Bob Funch

They're in the calm before the storm.

I'm​ hoping for Gabriel to take Mischa under his wing back in Russia. Or a Gabriel/Martha scene would welcome too. Or Gabriel & Oleg! I'm just advocating for more work for Frank Langella.

Agent If You Prick Us, Do We Not Bleed - If You Nail Our Feet To the Floor With a Nail Gun, Do We Not Jog Your Memory?

So, if we were to get our hopes up for Spark Plug and/or Tripp to exit the Framework and join the regular cast in the real world, I'm assuming they would have to be able to enter LMD bodies. Though it's been pleasant enough to see Ward, no one is clamoring for him to rejoin the regular cast as "Good Ward the

It was a newspaper article from Mapleton New York. The banner said Mapleton Times or Herald or something like that.

You just know at some point he's going to accuse the Lizard Aliens of planting a control chip in Trump's skull, Trump's going to hear that, and go to his hippy-dippy doctor and ask to have it found and removed.

B was probably a fair grade. Selina and Gary playing backgammon was just slightly weird enough to be endearing. Ben and Selina at the end was the A range you want the show to hit more often. Rat-a-tat obscenities are the show's forte, but when they pile up in the mouth like a traffic jam, they lose their sting.

Also, shredding the cash probably makes them feel good, but it seems like it could be used better - either sent to a charity or returned to the customers in a stealthy refund type way. Maybe this is a set up that will bite them in the tush later on.

"Don buddy, it's like … It's like 430 in the fucking morning. Go back to bed, okay? I'm closing the - don't gimme that look… I'm closing the door. Night night, Don. Okay. 'Ni-ight. (Jesus H Christ with this guy.)"

Shit, I hope Kevin or Tommy aren't haunted by a Ghost Dean this season.

During the rewatch of the S2 finale I had forgotten that (even though it was an A episode) the one thing that I didn't like was the "That's Not Your Baby!" psycho lady. She came out of nowhere and seemed like a device to get Nora on & over the bridge. That said, I hope it wasn't foreshadowing​ for whatever happened

Back in season 1 when Patti, Dean, and Kevin had their confrontation, Patti described Dean as a kind of screwed up angel or otherworldly messenger. And Dean didn't deny it. So I wonder if that is still the case here exactly or not. The "dogs are no longer our's" thread was abandoned for season 2 - probably because

Not only does the lab tech murder weigh on Phillip, but it would stand to reason that the airport security guard murder would be haunting him as well. I just binged season 4 and I'M still shocked by Phillip choking out that guy and basically stomping him into a cube on the back of the bus.

Nice. Sort of a surprising amount of imagery available, but then I guess working on a show like this is a year 'round gig.

Anyone else feel like this would pair well with Clouds of Sils Maria? It's like a Meta-sequel … or prequel.

Well said. It might take the pressure off the writers if SyFy would just say 'screw-it' and give them a full 5 season green light.
(Not to look the gift of a S3 in the mouth, as it is thankfully accepted.)

It's always possible that we'll see it in flashback.

Steve Bannon's face reminds me of Senator Kelly in "X-Men" when he tried forcing his face through the prison bars in Magneto's lair.

"Pst. Don. Down here. Down here. Hey Buddy. It's me. It's your ol'pal Chocolate Cake. Act natural! Act natural, Jesus. Buddy. Tell the Chinese Warlord or whatever he is 'If you wanna smear chocolate frosting on your ass, smear chocolate frosting on your ass, just be honest about it.' Look Donnie, I've

I liked that shot on Mao's ship near the end when Bobbie stepped in front of Avasarala to protect her. It went: Bobbie with Avasarala peaking over her shoulder in the middle ground - with Suit of Samurai Armor behind the both of them in the background.