Bob Funch

If this show were a 1930's mafia show (not in space) and all these characters were dudes, Bobbie would have been the "muscle" that says, "But boss, he axed if we wanted free samiches, so I took like two maybe tree."

Bobbie Draper digs little cucumber sandwiches.

I'm going with this: The showrunners are presenting us with 20 episodes worth of material over the course of 13. They've got a fairly fantastic cast and they are clearly busting to the gills with creativity. You could write up a long list of all the places and characters that should have gotten more screen time.

"& experienced" = what you said.

Or maybe Madame Hydra has her own Fitz locked in a closet hooked up to an LMD programmed to do her bidding just like Robo-May was in the real world! * Making Fitz trapped within a world within an LMD, making him ironically Ophelia's sexbot.

Ooh. Good call. Optimism!

What's really gut wrenching is when all this is resolved (next season perhaps) and our heros wake up from the Framework, they are going to be massively head fu-ked…provided Fitz, May, and Mac retain the memories of what they've done & experienced. It makes me wonder if we're not seeing the seeds of a show end-game.

I've got my fingers crossed for Mosaad.

I just watched this On Demand and there was a great LOL moment near the end of the episode. I don't know wether or not the commercials that FX places into their programs in On Demand are the same nationally, but literally the second after Hans gets closed into the metal coffin with William's diseased corpse FX cuts

The "Goodbye" scene between Oleg and Stan had a Michael Mann "Heat" vibe to it, intentional or not.

Got me there. I did say I was a dork, though I didn't mean anything prejudicial by it. Please let's leave it there.

What was interesting for me was I got a "Dungeons and Dragons" vibe out of Holden & Co searching the Ganymede sub basement: Leader, Warrior, Drow, & Druid surprise a group of Bugbears at dinner… which leads to an evil laboratory… which leads to a beast hunt. I'm not complaining. I'm just acknowledging my dorkiness.

I will say that after the Bank Robbery ep and the next one after (with the editing trouble), that the last few episodes seem to have found their balance. The pacing has been brisk as usual but not chaotic. There's been a good feel in the juggling of the different plotlines.

Josh, maybe.

Hearing second hand now about one of them, I hope they can keep others secret by NOT posting them on their IMDb page. Some surprises I'd like to experience in the moment.

In all the good and evil character reversals he's still just the same guy doing the same job.

She was looking bad for awhile there. Then she disappeared. And when she came back, she had a little more color in her cheeks…

I have a feeling we'll go the rest of the season without any cameos. The show is clicking well enough without them… so far (fingers crossed). But Lord if this doesn't open up the possibility for some great cameos if the show should choose to.
I'd nominate Toby Jones to return as Dr Zola in the flesh or in cyber form

Agent Will Respawn in Bed if Shot

Also depends if Aida even bothered to program the entire history of the world into the Framework - which I guess is plausible due to Darkhold voodoo - or if the Framework only follows around the characters involved in it like a traveling Truman Show.