Bob Funch

I legit thought/hoped that Jemma was a zombie.

Was the show able to get a cameo from each of the Kids in the Hall? Seems like they almost got there. I realize, though, it was more a case of utilizing everyone from Lorne Michael's stable of talent, rather than a particular focus on The Kids. But it was fun trivia on top of being a funny show.

This was a great run of episodes, paying off the Nina and Martha plotlines. I watched seasons 1, 2, & 3 in a binge a year ago while trying to catch #4 as it aired. Well I missed the window on #4, so I'm catching it now in a binge to try and pair it with 5.
In retrospect I wish I had seen this last year because

Good point. After the coffee shop guy, nobody in this town seems particularly savvy.

After mulling it over, I think the implication is even if one of the women took "the fall" for the manslaughter, then that would leave one or two of the children without a mom (even if only temporary) and scandalized more than would be bearable.

I bought that Madeline and Celeste would put it together that Perry had abused Jane from just Jane's horrified expression. I think the show did a credible job of building to that moment without dialogue. And, in retrospect, the Greek chorus of townie a-holes at least makes more sense in the light of how the case went

Or even if you do bring in a new demographic, they're going to want to start on the classic titles before they branch out.

I wonder how much of this is just not having diversity of product in the actual physical comic book shops. I mean, it seems like this study or survey is coming too soon for an industry that's slow to change. So by "product" I mean the other things that bring in customers to the shops… Gaming, darts, card collecting,

Oh, okay. I thought it was a weird Christmas Story reference.

It's probably 1/64th true.

Caught it randomly. Best random gift I could have hoped for today.

He's always hanging out at Moe's Bar.

I'm gonna buy that! Putting the f-bombs back in this show replaces like a third of the dialogue!

Yes, I get they all have to have Ethan Hunt. And Benji is the comic relief. But how bout have the other team members filled out with some past female cast members? Paula Patton baby! Have Patton and Rebecca Ferguson. Maybe bring back Michelle Monaghan. Don't make it such a sausage fest.

Maybe he co-opted physical Lenny from Clockworks then reverse-engineered her over David's past memories of Benny. Maybe SK killed Lenny in the wall splat just so he could have sole ownership over her likeness. A real Lenny and a head Lenny both running around at the same time would've​ tipped his hand. Just

Disney's got too much money to care. Plus they're ultimately getting Marvel $ somehow in a reach-around.

According to the run times on the schedule, The Magicians ran 63 minutes and The Expanse ran 57. I take that to mean that A) SyFy has a hard barrier at 10pm that they can't breach. B) The Magicians would like to keep their sponsors but have a fluid running time ala FX's programming. Which would lead me to guess that:

I just watched this (one year late). For awhile now I would pretend that Nina's story was on a totally different show - called "The Russians" perhaps. It was an exercise to see if her plotline would hold up as its own show, which for 16 or so episodes, it basically was. The creepiest foreshadowing for me was the

I would like to see the 5 hour cut of Gangs of New York. I read Scorsese fought for it initially, but Harvey Weinstein clobbered him down to 3.

Marty and Rusty felt like real, lived-in guys. Everyone in S2 was a hot mess. S1 was overhyped. S2's casting was a crazy, daily scream of "Who's Being Cast Now!" and I maintain the backlash bit S2, the pressure on Pizzaiolo to deliver the magic again was too great, and the time frame too small. HBO pushed the dude