Bob Funch

I was hoping someone here would mention that. She did the whole episode without dialogue. Bronson did all the talking. His character fell for her and I could see why.

I hope the Truce sticks. I see next week Renata's husband gets in Jane's face about it, so they aren't out of the woods yet.

Mansplainer Eats Foot Cackles Rag in Blanco Snark Fracas!

His first name is "Palmzar."

Since this is the season ending blow out party, I'll weigh in on Thrawn. Yeah, his demeanor is growing on me. Very aptly described as "evil Sherlock Holmes" by others here. So; recommended for season 4: Really Lean into This! On one hand I would love to see a classic Holmes style trap laid out for Hera that ends in

That's why all their buildings are made out of glass. They're always checking themselves out in reflections … reminding themselves and each other how Bad Ass they look.

And I thank you as well. The retorts to the first explanation not only helped me feel better about my original question, but explained the holes in it's logic. In my first post I did list this quibble under "Don't Think About it too much, It's Just Star Wars." I'm sure the hyperdrive navigational computers are

Thank you. That is a perfectly plausible explanation.

Big Missed Opportunity: Having the Sloth sing the "Master of the House" reprise inside of One Day More.

My only nit-pick is: When Sato bit it, there should have been a reaction shot from his ne'er do well son. Or nephew - whatever that kid was.
My "Don't Read Into it too much, it's just Star Wars" comments are: First, why don't the escaping rebels ever loop to the other side of the planet and take off in the opposite

You gotta take your rotten tomatoes with a grain of salt.

Holden and Co show up for a visit:

I'm picturing an entire planet controlled by Proto-Miller and Proto-Julie Mao.

Three things I grooved on:
- That bowl of fruit, flowers, and overall spread the Earthlings put out for negotiations: you know that's another thumb in the eye of the Martians.
- Scenes with the Martian Squad early in the season; constantly busting the balls of their squad member who was born on Earth, actually paid off!


My gut reading of Margo's look at the end tells me she didn't say anything because she is going to try and negotiate her way around this. Writing that out makes it sound like a typical genre problem ala The Flash, but this show is its own beast. This problem, I hope, will finally be Margo's wake up call.

I was trying to think of other "modern technology" giveaways. Perhaps the assault rifles of Division 3 were pretty current looking with laser sites etc.

I'd rank Legion behind The Expanse and The Magicians, but that said, these are the best 3 on TV right now (I'm saving The Americans for a later binge). So I feel ya. I'm happy to be along for this ride, but there's an unsaid understanding between audience and showrunners that future seasons won't be so much in

Yeah, I was typing mine at the same time you typed your's. Jinx! But yeah, she said e-mail.

Amy's going to send her husband an e-mail? Show mistake or … what year is this taking place in? Not a condemnation, just curiosity.