Bob Funch

Very possible Maddow and DC Johnson got played. Johnson even admitted as much. Could be Trump Inc leaked the one Tax Return that's totally benign. Or many of his tax returns may show nothing and they're going to dole them out over time like someone playing Go Fish. The much derided Maddow Preamble at least this

And here's the track. It kicks into high gear at about the 4 min mark. The suspense in this episode was nuts (until the yellow tire reveal). Remember it was either Costner lands the plane and smooshes Casey Siemaszko or Kiefer blow his brains out to put him out of his misery.

I had forgotten about that Oscar snafu. I hope it didn't completely sour him on soundtrack-in'.
He showed up for a Hollywood in Vienna concert and conducted selections from Silverado - basically the end credit suite. But, man, what a track that is!

God, I wish I could find a good Bruce Broughton compilation somewhere.

About 6 months ago I decided to download the Amazing Stories soundtrack because it had John Williams theme and the score for The Mission - the one about the WW2 plane mentioned below. It was (maybe still is) my theory that John Williams scored a bigger piece called The Mission but NBC at the time decided that The

WW2 plane was the Spielberg one. I kind of agree with your dad, if the kid had drawn functioning, stylized, comicBOOK ariplane wheels instead of the goofy big yellow ones, the ending would have not been so tonally jarring.

"Why didn't we have a conversation about this, Celeste?" Is the new "Hello, Clarice."

"Did you look at our bank statement? Why didn't we have a conversation about this?!"

Plus it keeps Perry free to do "whatever it is he's doing" out of town. Dude probably has a second or third wife somewhere.

Of all the various plot threads and foreboding mysteries, the one I'm still the most interested in is "Who choked Amabella?"

He retroactively ruined Tarzan for me. I kept thinking he was going to go passive/aggressively psycho on Jane. (Having just checked out the movie on HBO - didn't catch it in theaters.)

What the sleem kind of electrical Zap was that? It can transmit through space, override the computer systems, and blow up the ship? They should do that all the time.

Favorite Mission: Impossible quote (really randomly) just because it stuck in my ear:

"My wife is locked up in a hole in your fucking barn. And if you don't give me the key. I'M GONNA BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!!"

Preparation H Raymond!

Speaking of old McD promotion material. Anyone have the misfortune to watch those long form Ronald McDonald cartoons animated by the Rugrats team of Csupo and Klasky. If you had a kid during the ought's and you took your kid to a McD Playground with TVs, they were on and they were WEIRD.

I was working at a budget movie theater when The Rock came out. We were able to show it after the first-run theaters let it go. It was such as huge hit for us. And it built from week one to week two! Week two Friday we had 400 some for The Rock at the 7pm show. We showed The Rock for like the next 10 weeks. I hate

Sam Jackson just mentioned that last night on the Late Late Show. He said it was his favorite movie of his. I bought Geena Davis in this. When her "real" personality comes out while she's being dunked on that water wheel - that was some badass crazy shit.

Smart looking wardrobe too.

I hope Harris becomes a show regular. I guess; he's back in the plot now.