Bob Funch

Yeah, I'm going to re-dvr it too.

I've got Charter and for me the sound went out of sync for the last third of the program. Second time that's happened and it only happens with this show. Still, great episode.

I was supremely disappointed that they offed The Gimp. Oh, the adventures they could of had. Anyway, the rest of the episode almost made up for it. They even used the Predator sound effects! I think they're going for some overly comedic material before the drama with Reynard picks up later. ' Sounds like Quint &

Thus Kevin Spacey in Nine Lives.

Answer: No thanks, the impersonation is as close as we want to get to the Russian Mob.

The Speedforce causes Vitiligo, maybe?

You've gotta be trusted
by the people that you lie to.
So that when they turn their backs on you,
you'll get the chance to put the knife in!

That Jack Nicholson, he really gets around.

… and thus becoming alt-right.

She has her father's eyes.

That sounds excellent, but it's not the reality in many states or cities.

Even better.

Fair enough, I should have qualified or parsed that to reflect "therapists and clients of the variety HBO likes to portray."

Time was a while back that The Sopranos sorta led into In Therapy and some other things and I remember thinking, "Jesus HBO greenlights a lot of shows with people talking to their shrinks." Not that it's been like that lately…And tonight's episode not withstanding, but going to shrinks is something mostly only the

A quote from a classic 80's movie comes to mind and it goes like this:
"Alpha Beta Ooh Ahh! Alpha Beta Ooh Ahh!"

But when she can't get on the shows she just hangs out in the Oval Office with her shoes off, sleeps on the couch, eats microwave popcorn, and depletes the mini bar.

Yup. A) Done the Owen Wilson twice - it's now dead. The others were good though.
And B) It was too much like the New York guys hitting-on-her skit from the Casey Affleck ep.

Her voice is kind of swallowed in her throat.

"There sure are a whole lot of brown ones!" … got close.

I liked the Gump sketch, Kate sold it and the cardboard bus revealing-new-characters gag got funnier the longer it went on.
Now the Youngblood filmed piece… why couldn't that have been done live in studio? I mean I can guess at the answers, but if it had come off as well Live - it would land in the Best of the Season