Bob Funch

I was expecting that concept to return during the Sticky Bun sketch, but then it sort of coasted along pleasantly enough.

One of the biggest complaints was the character facial animation. But they've been getting better at little "looks" here and there. There was a close up of Hera early in the episode that jumped out, not least because they don't usually go full close up.

You're right and, if I recall correctly, he did take a half beat before saying it to emphasize that he was making an effort. So there's hope.

"Mr Vice President, Mr Secretary, the Tweets are flying. Hallelujah. … Hallelujah."

Hopefully Donald is spending the day crazily tearing up his golden Trump Tower apartment in a batshit panic like Gene Hackman at the end of The Conversation.

"If I had been cast in The Predator Movie it would have grossed three maybe four times what it did. Believe me. Look at HA2. Billions. Pathetic!"


Speaking of a good lawyer… When you take a look at all the grotty fools running this shit show and you picture them all standing before you like a class portrait of assholes: There's Trump in front of course. KAC. Flynn. Miller. As the spotlight of investigation passes over their frozen smiles, you see Bannon lurking

He might have been gracious until Alex Jones got a hold of it then - eco chamber.

Perhaps though, if his defence were that he didn't know he was behaving in a libellous way… you might get his mental health in there.

Guilt accepted. The NRA fucking owns 3/4 of the state.

As a Wisconsinite I gotta say this makes me smile. It's frustrating living in a state where everyone listens to am talk radio and we're home to four of the biggest GOP douche nozzles of the modern age: Johnson, Ryan, Walker, & Priebus.

"Ima gonna pet him and love him and keep him and name him George, just like me."

I could see Tears for Fears backing Daryl Hall on "Dreamtime."

At Wit's End
The Kracken
Up is Down

All subsequent Noodles are limp in comparison.

I had to IMDb Bill Irwin to confirm my suspicion: he is Mr Noodle.

Avasarala's speech (new asshole successfully ripped!) began with a little sly smile and ended with the same little smile as she left the room.

I went into tonight's show wondering who the new Big Bad would be for the Q Gang. The jury is still out. Nifalice could be. The Q Gang could align with the J Gang to take on Reynard but that would take some doing seeing as how they're basically frenemies. It might be fun if Margo peeled off from the main group and

"She talked about the SNAFU at the bar, she talked about it on the way home, she talked about it getting into bed, she talked about it during sex, she orgasmed, and kept talking about it afterward."