Bob Funch

Best part was Gypsy smooshing Cisco's mouth then planting a tasty little kiss on his upper lip and then one on his lower lip. I bet they improv'd that. Sexy.

I got the feeling Oona Chaplin and Tom Hollander may or may not be in season two, depending on contract negotiations. Same with Franka - I'm not fully convinced she's dead either. I agree the sister/brother jungle fever subplot went nowhere really other than it was … (ba-boom tish) taboo. Jessie Buckley has a

If Meryl Streep had won Best Actress, Beatty and Dunaway would have said the Best Picture Oscar goes to Florence Foster Jenkins.

The A cast and the kids are great in this show. However, I don't know if it's just the framing device that's annoying or the interview characters themselves that are annoying. The flash forward police detective and gossipy school staff and parents bug the shit out of me. The show has established that something bad

a guy found in a dumpster at 4am with Ryan Gosling's tap shoes shoved up his juxy.

Price-Waterhouse fucked up.

I loved his reaction when Tom Cruise got run over by the truck.

And the Mimics from Edge of Tomorrow.

"You think Eddie Money has to put up with this shit?"

People forget "Trespass" as well, from that same time period. Nasty little suspense movie with Bill and Ice-T.

For anyone with a similar CW network schedule, Agents of Shield is in syndication on Sunday nights… Tonight they're playing the Season One finale, of course featuring Bill Paxton. I just set my DVR. I don't remember if this is Paxton's final episode or if that happened in the Season 2 premiere, but it would be a

The paranoid looks that Kallus and Lyste got from the group leaving Thrawn's office was a great little detail too. It's like the principal interrogating all the usual suspects in high school after his car was vandalized; one group of kids who just got reamed out leaves the office and gives a look to the kids on their

Snoke is like "Woke" except with snorkels.

The way Melanie touched the pages, it looked like she could tell the book was an original creation. I'm assuming at this point it was drawn by one of his parents - who knows though. It looks and sounds like it was done by an evil Shel Silverstein.

I was thinking Ang the Airbender, but that predates Avatar.

My first thought was Mignola killed it. (Maybe someone promised him a reboot down the line).
My second thought was the three of them got on a conference call with Universal or whoever would do part 3 and the financing just isn't there.
My third thought was this was like when David Lynch walked away from Showtime and

It feels like Holden and the rest of the crew will go on and have adventures involving those Mars-Commandos and the story of Miller and Julie is done. That was great, though. I like when subtle characters gradually become something greater than themselves. Ultimately Miller is like the idealized male pulp sci-fi

Robo-Mack was destroyed and you know Robo-Coulson and Robo-May are blown up. Robo-Fitz and Robo-Mace…?

90 year old Peggy Carter is still leading the resistance!

They must all be in a shared Framework rather than their own personal Frameworks. But maybe not. Maybe Daisy's Ward works with May at Hydra HQ. I'm OK with a Ward three or four episode guest stint. If Aida builds him a robot body to run around in, that'll take some getting used to.